Welcome to Beacon

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It's been 4 years since the events of the last chapter have occurred.We head to a house in the Hollow Earth,where we see (Y/N) and Jack playing a game on a console in a room.

(Y/N):I'm bored,wanna go spar?

Jack:Sure,that's fine,it's been a while anyway.

(Y/N) and Jack both walk out of their house to reveal a huge base of operations next to the entry of the Hollow Earth.The entire area,was told to them that it was the Hollow Earth monitoring station,which monitored all the life and radiation levels down here,the two life forms they monitored the most were by far Godzilla and Kong.Most if not,all of the research were on their transformation science,but there were also other things that were used with them.In fact they taught (Y/N) morse code so that he can communicate with humans in his Godzilla form.However another titan group,that was monitored almost 24/7 were the skullcrawlers.You see when (Y/N) and Jack(and by extension Godzilla and Kong) first awoke their auras,it woke up a large amount of the reptiles,because they fed on other titans primarily,and since Godzilla and Kong were full of energy and were alphas,they were often the first targets.Most days were spent with (Y/N) and Jack in their kaiju forms battling the never-ending population of them.After a while,the attacks ended,and since the hollow earth was full of other titans that were strong enough to counter them themselves,they were forced back into hibernation.However even now,a skullcrawler would awaken every now and again,which lead to them going out on missions before they even entered Beacon to destroy the threats of the skullcrawers,which if left unchecked on,would disrupt the balance of life on the planet.

However even now,a skullcrawler would awaken every now and again,which lead to them going out on missions before they even entered Beacon to destroy the threats of the skullcrawers,which if left unchecked on,would disrupt the balance of life on th...

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The fighting did affect Kong and Godzilla.Battle injuries can be seen all over them,from something as small as a small scar on Godzilla and Kong's arms,to scars on Kong's chest and head and Godzilla's gills.(Y/N) and Jack have become way more skilled with their specific weapons,becoming the same level of skill as the members of Team STRQ in their human forms,mostly thanks to Raven's training sessions that they both went to when they had spare time to kill.

While they sparred in the past to train,that training is exactly what unlocked both of their semblances.(Y/N)'s,and by extension,Godzilla's semblance was overcharge,where they absorb more nuclear energy than ever before,causing their veins to glow blue boosting their attack power,but due to the huge amounts of energy coursing through them,also intensifying the amount of damage they take from a hit.

Jack's,and by extension Kong's, semblance was slightly different,called Bolt-Pilot,it gives him the power to create electricity,store it within his body,which cause both forms's hair to glow yellow,then use their electricity for all sorts of useful attacks,like being able to fire a thunder beam out of his mouth,or using the electromagnetism to move parts of the land around him to better his situation at the cost of him receiving double damage.

Both semblance's were agreed upon by everyone(STRQ,Ozpin,Glynda)to be used as a last resort in a battle,less they want an entire area of the planet destroyed.

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