Field trip

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Y/N woke up relatively bored today since today was only the field trip,and since Jack was around to protect Jane from Cardin's bullying,nothing would really happen today.Of course as all other days, Y/N made sure Ruby and Yang were actually sleeping,and making sure Mothra and Rodan were dormant as well.

After checking on the two,Y/N left to go to Ozpin's office to see how he was doing ever since Rodan's bioacoustics awakened.Sure Y/N was comfortable with Rodan awakening,but the same couldn't be said for Ozpin and Jack.Jack,although knowing that Rodan will submit to Godzilla was afraid of how Vacuo would be affected if he ever did take flight or become hostile.Ozpin on the other hand was more on the side of Y/N.He knew the risks,but knowing that Ghidorah could be awakened soon due to sensing the boys,it caused him to go along with it.

Y/N entered the office and saw Ozpin and Jack looking worried at the monitor.He came up to them and asked what was going on?

Y/N:Hey Jack......what's got you so worried today

Jack:You should take a look at this.....

Y/N looked at the monitor and his eyes widened at what he saw.A bulk of clouds was going over the dragon continent.Meaning that the seal on Ghidorah was beginning to loosen.In response,however, Mothra and Rodan's bioacoustics started to go up at a very quick pace.He knew what this meant and immediately bolted down to check on Ruby and Yang.He entered the room panting to find everyone surrounding Yang holding her head with a look on her face that said she was in serious pain.Y/N immediately transformed into his human size kaiju form and rushed over to Yang.Godzilla touched her shoulder and growled at a frequency that only other kaiju can hear.Eventually Yang stopped holding her head and cast Godzilla a thankful look while he transformed back into Y/N

Yang:Thanks Y/N....ugh that was the loudest he's ever been.I don't think I can deal with this much longer....

Ruby:Yea same......Mothra's starting to become louder,her voice isn't calm anymore,but frantic,as if she's nervous.She even says she'll get out any time now.

Weiss:Why are they acting so up so much today!? Today's not really anything special.

Y/N:I might have an explanation for that....

Weiss and Blake immediately rush over to Y/N and sit him down on Blake's bed.


Y/N:They're reacting to something that makes any titan nervous.You see,way back before me and Jack were born,another titan was here before me.And it wasn't here to help out the world.It was here to destroy it.A golden hydra that fell from the stars,whose storms swallowed both man and kaiju alike.His name is Ghidorah,the one who's many.

Ruby:Mothra mentioned that name once.....she seems angry,but also fearful of him.

Yang:Rodan's conveying the same message over here.....ow.

Y/N:For good reason.Ghidorah is more powerful than any other titan on this planet.In fact he can wreck Rodan and Mothra simultaneously. if he was unstoppable,then why isn't the world completely destroyed right now?

Y/N:Another of my kind,which me and Jack have come to call Dagon led all the Titans on Remnant to fight Ghidorah's army of close titan allies.My kind and Jack's kind are the only titans able to really hold our own against Ghidorah.Dagon was sadly weakened however,so instead of killing him,he used the environment to his advantage and buried Ghidorah alive with probably the biggest landslide in the world.Then Mothra placed a seal on him which paralyzed him and kept him from moving.Time passed as the genocide of me and Jack's kind occurred.Dagon died from another titan,who's name is Jinshin Mushi or MUTO Prime.The seal wasn't permanent however,so we all wait for the day he eventually climbs out of the pile,regains his strength,and attempts to destroy the world again.

Remnant's new rulers(Godzilla reader x RWBY)(DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang