Back to normal

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Things went back to the way they were before Anti Stan pulled his stunt.

Fergus and Clyde help fixed the damages caused to Stans house so he could live there again.

Anti Stan was charged with multiple crimes, including everything he has done before, leading to a really long sentence and many hours of community service under strict supervision.

Stan was at his favourite cafe and joined Mickey Moo on his break.

"so things went back to normal for you Stan" Mick asked.

"not entirely yet, toons don't instantly trust you again when you've been proven innocent. Some aren't caught up on the news I suppose." Stan replied.

"yeah, not much to say on my end. I didn't get caught up in a major conspiracy to devastate the United Nations meeting"

"but you were an excellent help, I wouldn't know what to do without a friend like you"

"yeah well, I really like you Stan as a friend and more"

"me two"

"hm? As a friend or more?"

"what's the difference? I like you, you're fantastic, we get along greatly and you make great hot drinks"

"I suppose if we both like each other it doesn't matter too much"

Stan and Mick keep talking with each other until Micks break is over.

Anti Stan has a lot of cleaning to do, he was first made to excavate the rubble from the mine, the ghost kept nagging him to work harder, how to lift the rocks and every little thing he does.

the city of Populture was opened back up everyone could come and go as they pleased, the meeting was redone and everything went well, a few things came up but it came out happy.


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