Never tell a lie

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Stan turned on the tv in Mick's living room, it was on the news reporting on the rescue of Fergus and Clyde.

"and the diggers have just excavated Fergus and Clyde from the mines. Here they come!" The cat women on the tv reported.

"and the mine turned out to be haunted" the microphone of the cat reporter picked up on an out of context conversation Clyde and Fergus were having with there rescuer.

"Hello Adventure Capitalist Clyde, were you aware that someone has impersonated you to infiltrate the United Nations treaty meeting?"

"oh just call me Clyde ma'am. No I was not aware that I was being impersonated, should I take it as a compliment or an insult?"

"your impersonator seemed to have been mocking you sir"

"Someone took advantage of our little quest to trap us underground" Fergus butted in.

Stan turned the tv off, he had changed his mind about watching tv.

the front door swung open and Doofert walked in with three shopping bags hanging from their arm-wings "oh hello Stan" Doofert chirped when they saw him.

"oh hello again Doofert! Sorry for causing you to reschedule work"

"it's ok Stan, if I look on the bright side I got myself a short holiday!"

"oh Doofeet you're back" Mick came from the hallway.

"the grocery store was a bit hectic, I think some toons were panic buying some stuff" Doofert goes into the kitchen to put the groceries away.

"how am I suppose to get through this?" Stan thinks to himself moping on the recliner chair.

"need anything Stan? We can watch some scrapped Cock-a-Doodle cereal commercials?" Mick asked Stan.

"your not suppose to watch those!" Doofert called out from the kitchen.

"no Mickey, thanks though. I just hope my... I guess evil doppelgänger to be found soon"

"yeah if I had a evil twin who did something like that, I would want the same things not that I have one or anything but Doofert does"

Doofert perked up "are you talking about Goofbert?"

"we're not twins, I haven't even met him" Stan stated

"Goofbert is my fraternal twin, though she wouldn't do something like that, blow you up yes, try to cause a world war three no" Doofert said.

"she tried to stuff you in the oven when you were chicks didn't she?" Mick remembered a story Doofert told him.

Doofert shivers "oh yes she did, should I tell you that story later Stan?"

"it doesn't sound too nice" Stan answered.

"oh it wasn't a pleasant experience, but an entertaining story now that I'm older though it still gives me the heebie-jeebies" Doofert laughs.

Fergus and Clyde were talking to the dream police over on the other side of the city.

an officer shows them a picture of Anti Stan and explains what happened.

"officer I hope you don't mind me saying this but I doubt he shaved moustache just to disguise himself" Clyde observed the photo closely.

"what makes you think that?" The officer asked

"the moustache is too grand to just shave off"

"yep my dear old mother has a moustache like that and she wouldn't shave it off for all our money" Fergus comments.

"it's true" Clyde corroborated.

"if that's so then our suspect may not be who we're looking for"

"if you find your clean shaven suspect do bring him over our way"

"why so Clyde?"

"if the bloke is innocent then we would want to help him prove it of course"

"it would be a safer adventure then our last one!" Fergus adds.

"I'll be sure share that with the rest of the force. I've also been instructed to escort you two home"

"very well then"

the dream police officer opens the back of her squadron car and the two men go inside.

"hey Clyde" Fergus whispers "we're going home in the back of a divvy van!"

the two laugh like two teenagers who heard a lewd joke.

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