Your heart's been aching

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Anti Stan was rehearsing his scheme, he wanted it to go in smoothly for himself and devolve everyone else into chaos.

it took a lot of time, he needed to be at least a caricature of Clydes personality, Anti was very dedicated to method acting, he made sure he had a plan for everything he had to be sharp, he even had a list of insulting comebacks if need be, though 57% of them were 'your mum' jokes.

"What could I say to things fired up?" Anti Stan wondered "hm, I'll have to say some despicable things I will have to write down the worst ones I thought of"

Anti practiced walking in the heels, it was harder then expected, he felt like he was walking down a hill but he was on a flat surface instead.

Anti wobbles around his dumpster home trying to get a hang of the heels, just so he isn't falling and hurting himself during the meeting, he wants to do all he can to keep himself disguised maybe he'll reveal himself at the end to gloat but he hasn't thought that far.

Anti Stan is ready for the United Nations meeting tomorrow he just needs to go to the actual meeting.

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