Don't tell me you're too blind to see

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The Populture City has been placed on lock down there was no entering and or exiting the city to prevent Anti Stan from escaping, a reward was put out for the capture of Anti Stan.

Stan didn't seem to pay too much mind to the fact that he was a clean shaven doppelgänger of a wanted criminal, he just did his usual business of the day such as going down to the park to encourage that sapling to grow.

tv news stations were all reporting on the progress in the hunt for Anti Stan and the rescue of Fergus and Clyde from the callsped haunted mines.

Whilst Stan was cheering the sapling in the park a little mouse lady caught sight of him, she scrambled over to the phone booth that was close by.

"hello Dream Police! I found the criminal who was at the meeting, he's in the park yelling at a plant and has shaved his handlebar moustache off"

"We'll be there in a jiffy ma'am, thank you for contacting us"

as soon was the mouse lady hung up on the phone the dream police were at the park Stan is.

"ok team we have to be very careful we have no idea what he could have up his sleeves" one of the officers whispered.

Stan looked away from the sapling and saw the dream police trying to sneak up on him "why hello there officers, such a dandy day isn't it!"

the dream police weren't interested in friendly greetings "you're coming with us Bub!"

"Bub? I think there is a mistake officer" Stan tries to reassure the officers.

"you think you can hide from the law by changing your clothes and shaving your moustache!"

Stan backs away from the dream police timidly being intimidated by them "think your confusing me with someone else!"

"Tell that to the courts"

in an instant of fight, flight or freeze Stan chose flight and ran off leaving dust behind him.

"he's getting away!" one of the police men officers grab his radio and informs the others "we have found the criminal but he's on the run, he's shaved his moustache and change clothes keep a look out now!"

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