Catch the Anti

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The dream police surrounded Stan but he wasn't instantly arrested like he expected, Stan got a good look at one of the officers.

"Yono?" He questioned

"officer Yono to you lad" the officer said.

"wait you look and sound a bit different"

"the Yono family is widespread in this city your probably thinking of one of my younger sisters"

"oh sorry officer"

"you're coming with me, Fergus and Clyde requested that if we find you to take you to them" Stan is then quickly handcuffed and brought into the police car where he is escorted to the Mansion of Fergus and Clyde.

Officer Yono brings Stan to the door and she knocks, The door is opened and on the other side of it is Fergus "oh officer Yono thank you for bringing him you can undo his handcuffs"

"undo his handcuffs? Are you being serious?" Officer Yono sounds shocked at Fergus's request.

"don't worry about everything should be fine" Fergus tried to reassure Officer Yono with his gentle voice.

"whatever you say Mr Fergus, but I'll be watching from outside"

"that perfectly ok, thank you" Fergus whispers to the side "I'll be sure to pay you for the trouble your putting yourself"

Fergus invites Stan inside and takes him to the living room with Clyde.

"Hello there! So you're the one who the dream police suspect of impersonating me and trying to kill us" Clyde greets Stan with a chuckle that didn't fit his sentence.

"I promise sir it wasn't me, it was someone who just looks like me" Stan defended himself.

"hey don't worry yourself we believe you, we want to help you prove your innocents to the court and public" Clyde calmly says to reassure Stan that he's alright.

"are you lawyers?" Stan asks.

"we not lawyers but we can pay the greatest lawyers available for toons and humans alike" Fergus claims.

"we can, but we won't" Clyde says.

"huh? If you want to help me why won't you hire some lawyers?"

"we're glory hogs, why pay someone when we can do it ourselves" Clyde chuckles.

"you're the glory hog Clyde, I'm perfectly fine paying professionals when we need them" Fergus corrects Clyde.

"but aren't you two like gazillionaires? Stan asks confused about what Clyde said.

"we are but I cannot let an adventure go by me, that's why we are the Adventure Capitalist" Clyde answers.

"so what's your name?" Fergus asks Stan.

"oh my name is Stan"

"Stan hm? A bit of common and generic name, especially for humans" Clyde thinks to himself "so Stan do you know anything about your criminal lookalike?"

"I just met him in the park before I was brought here. His name is Anti Stan, I think he's holding a Yono hostage" Stan recalls the information he got not too long ago.

"oh dear we should tell officer Yono one of her siblings are in trouble!" Fergus gasps.

"it would give us reason to get her to help more and believe our guest Stans innocents" Clyde ponders.

"yeah you are right Clyde, she is waiting outside I'll tell her to come in to talk with us" Fergus leaves the living room and makes his way to the front door to invite officer Yono inside.

"may I make I call, Clyde?"

"why do you need to make a call, Stan"

"I've been staying at some friends house during this ordeal due to my house being rammed into many the dream police when they first came after me, I just want to tell him we're I am so he doesn't worry when he comes home"

"go on right ahead"

Stan thanked Clyde and went to the nearby rotary phone and called Mickey Moo.

"hello my pretty Mickey. I'm sorry to call you during work hours. No I'm fine everything is good, I just won't be home when you get there. Yes I did leave. Yes I was arrested. No this isn't my one call, I was escorted to the home of Fergus and Clyde they want to help prove my innocence. Yeah. Bye Mick!" Stan hangs from the phone.

Fergus and Officer Yono came back into the living room.

"what did you want to discuss with me" asked Officer Yono.

Fergus and Clyde gestured to Stan to talk and explain the information he has to the dream police officer.

"oh um. It about the culprit who looks like me, his name is Anti Stan and I think he might be holding a Yono captive" Stan explains to officer Yono.

"a Yono? Which one?" Officer Yono quizzed Stan.

"that Yono kind looked a bit more masculine then the you or the other Yano I met and I think I heard Anti Stan refer to that Yano as 'Trash'.

officer Yano thinks for a second and then her brain clicks "that sounds like masc Yono" she said.

"so we need to find this Yono and we could find Anti Stan?" Fergus ponders.

"that seems to be it Fergus. Now let's go!" Clyde jumps ahead of everyone else and goes out the door.

"c'mon Stan!" Fergus grabs Stans hand and lifts him from the seat. They all go to officer Yonos police car and drive to masc Yonos Apartment building.

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