Never gonna say goodbye

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The sun shined on Stan and Mickey Moo slowly waking them up "ow my head" Mick rubbed his head.

"oh dear, I think we both went a bit overboard with the ice cream last night"

the sewer water sloshed as Stan and Mick stood up "oh dear, I can't find my phone" Mike patted his pockets down "I could have sworn it was with me"

"maybe we dropped it, do you remember anything"

"something about chickens, but other then that I don't recall a thing"

Stan patted his pockets to check if the phone somehow got there "nope, I don't have you phone either"

"you don't have a phone?"

"mines at home, it wasn't practical to bring it with me yesterday day"

Mick slumped And kicked at the water, Stan jumped back from the splash even though he was already soaked. Stan spoke up in an attempt to lift his friends mood "at least its a sunny day! And yes we are lost with pounding headaches, no phones and woke up in a sewer channel but things can only go up from here!"

"oh dear, my roommate has probably been freaking out.

a voice chimed in "hey are you fellas all right! Quack" it came from a short duck with a thick accent, he slid down into the sewer.

"oh yeah we just had too much ice cream last night" Stan answered the duck.

"that explains why you both woke up in ale bay, Quack"

"ale bay?" Mick questioned.

"oh sorry it's a local thing, Quack. This spot was nicknamed that since a lot of folks who have a bit too much always appear hear for some reason no matter whether they're near or far, Quack"

"looks like the outer city here, we're from the inner city. Oh! You would happen to have a phone you would you?"

"I in fact do, do you want to borrow it? Quack"

"oh yes thank you!"

The duck man handed his phone to Mick. Mick dialled in his roommates number, then the phone rang.

"hello Doofert it's me" Mick replied to his roommate "yeah, I thought you would have. Hey calm down I wasn't kidnapped or anything, I'm alive! I was just out with a friend, yes I should have told you, I'm sorry for making you worry. Doofert can you pick us up" Mick turns to the duck "where are we?"

"we are at Fleischer Street 1921, Quack"

"thanks. Did you get that. Yes I know that is far, I have know idea! Thanks see you when you Come" Mick returns the phone to the duck man, who then helps them out of the sewer.

"see I told you things will go up for us"

"yeah you did. Looks like we're going to be waiting awhile"

"we had way too much ice cream, I can barely remember last night!" Stan swung out his arms in an exaggerated manner making Mick laugh.

"you like like me, don't you Stan!"

"well of course my dear Mickey, you're fantastic!"

"I'm probably going to try to tell you something, and I may sound silly... hehe"

"I'm listening"

Mick fiddled with his gloves but before he opened his mouth again, a black car pulled up.

"oh never mind! Doofert is here" Mick quickly stood up to the vehicle and a rooster poked their head out from the window.

"Mick! I was so worried, I was thinking of reporting you missing!"

"we're fine, we just woke up in a sewer, no biggie"

"big, biggie! When you weren't picking my calls I thought you died or something"

"oh yeah, I lost my phone"

Doofert dropped their face on the steering wheel in frustration "ok we will have to look for after taking your friend home, whats your name."

"I'm Stan, it's lovely to meet you Doofert"

Stan and Mick got into Dooferts car and put on their seatbelts before driving back, to get everyone home.

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