We are number one!

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Anti Stan picked up a marker from a tub full of them and wrote 'evil' in big letters.

"Anti Stan, that's permanent marker. I don't legally own this apartment, the landlord will kill me" masc Yano panicked as Anti wrote on his wall.

"well take this as your first lesson, a simple crime of writing on walls" Anti says going over to the tub and tossing a marker over.

"I can't believe I let you into my home" Yono sighed.

"me either Trash. Guilt is a weakness that let me invade and take over your home. Now scribble on that damn wall!"

Yono squeaks and goes to the wall placing a tiny dot of marker ink on it.

"Worthless Trash" Anti mumbled.

"wow that was thrill mate, I mean Anti Stan"

"You're not out of the woods yet ya ninny" Anti Stan lightly slaps Yonos head.

"stop that! Or I will call the police on you mate!" Yono rubs his head where it was slapped.

"you'll be in cement shoes by the time they arrive" Anti Stan growled "speaking of which, your next lesson will be threatening others!" Anti writes again on the wall as if it were a white board.

"like what we just did to each other?"

"yes! You're wising up Trash!"

"You don't seem to be able to give a compliment unless it's an insult"

"oh and what makes you say that"

"you're not nice at all is one obvious answer"

"oh my gosh! I never knew that!"

"Sarcasm doesn't help either"

"aren't you observant. Now back to threats. When threatening someone you have many options, you can threaten their safety, their loved ones, their life though that falls under safety and their finances. These aren't all the opinions of course and you should get creative or else it can get overdone" Anti Stan goes on a lecture about threatening someone and how to. It easy to tell he's passionate about the topic of villainy.

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