I was right to do that to Lizzie as when I opened my door it revealed all three of them ready to go. I slid out my door quickly to make sure that Gerry didn't see Lizzie in there. We made our way down the stairs and across the courtyard where Ed passed us and gave a wink. He was on his way to our flat to help Lizzie set up. Me, Fern and Naomi all looked at each other and smiled as we knew our surprise plan was coming together slowly.

The four of us walked down to the restaurant that Gerry had chosen. We had our food and a couple of drinks and when I could tell we were about to leave I said I was just popping to the toilet so I could text Lizzie that we would be on our way back soon. When I returned to the table everyone was stood with their coats on ready to leave. I reach passed Naomi and grabbed mine to put on ready to leave.

The walk back up to our flat did not take too long. Me, Fern and Naomi sharing glances as we got closer to home not knowing what Gerry's reaction was going to be, that part made me feel nervous but at the same time I was excited for her to be surprised. As we got to the door the three of us that knew about the party pretended to rummage for ages in our pockets trying to find our keys so that it would be Gerry to open the door.

As she opened the door it revealed that the hallway had been decorated, Gerry turned back and gave us all a big grin before we all followed her walking to the kitchen.

'Happy Birthday!' I room full of people cheered as she walked in. Gerry turned around and have us all a big hug at the same time to thank us. At that moment Ed started the music and instantly ABBA blasted through the speakers.

The room was crowded and I only wanted to find Lizzie. In the process of trying to find her I bumped into people from my school who Ed must of invited and people from my course who I had invited. I was cutting every conversation short as i just wanted to find the beautiful American that I shared a passionate moment with before leaving for Gerry's meal.

As I started to walk into the room further I could hear her laugh. I was very unique. I finally met eye contact with her and she immediately left the group she was in and came over and gave me a hug. I nuzzled my nose into her chest and I instantly felt more happy the before. As I pulled away I admired her flares that she was wearing to be part of the ABBA theme for the party.

'You look amazing Lizzie! and you decorated great as well! it all looks great' I smiled at her holding one of her hands in each of mine. My brown eyes met hers as we stared into each others for a second realising we were in a middle of a loud party. This moment was interrupted by Ed jumping on my back in a jokingly way.

'Hey beautiful ladies' He said as he put his arms around the two of us and guided us over to where they had made a pop up bar.

'How much have you drank?' I rolled my eyes at him before smiling and Lizzie who is under his other arm.

'Clearly a lot more than you two' He chuckled before reaching out for a bottle of vodka that was on the side and three plastic cups. I winked at Lizzie as she caught eye contact with me again as Ed was mixing god knows what into cups.

'Now this will tickle your taste buds' Ed referenced the Mamma Mia film whilst giving me and Lizzie a cup each. I took a sip and I could then feel it burning the back of my throat. Lizzie copied my actions by only taking a sip and by the facial expression she gave me, the amount of alcohol in the drink had the same effect on her throat. I took Ed's cup from him and poured the contents of both mine and Lizzies into his and patted him on the back knowing he wasn't going to last much longer.

'What do you want to drink gorgeous?' I asked Lizzie as Ed had gone walking back into the crowd waving his arms around.

'Something not that strong' Lizzie giggled whilst tracing lines on my back. I looked at the bottles and made her a not very strong drink. She took a sip and held her thumb up. I made myself the same and then we walked back into the crowds to mingle.

It wasn't long before the song came on and that I had told Lizzie I could dance perfectly to. As the chorus part of the song, I went up to Lizzie and started to sing in her ear softly. She turned to me raising her eyebrows, I knew she expected me to live up to my half of the deal and do the dance perfectly like I had bragged the previous night.

'I only wanted a little love affair' I sang as I put my hands on Lizzie's waist and guided both of our legs to do the dance movements from the film. When we started I could feel a few eyes on us and some murmers from the people I knew from school wondering who I was dancing with.

'I think its Ingrid's girlfriend' I overheard one of them say but not knowing which one as I was to concentrated on the dance with Lizzie

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'I think its Ingrid's girlfriend' I overheard one of them say but not knowing which one as I was to concentrated on the dance with Lizzie. However the comment stayed in my head. I loved the sound of it.

'I am actually impressed' Lizzie giggled as I pulled her in for a hug as the song ended.

'You just have to believe me' I smirked before placing a kiss on her forehead, she looked up at me smirking, I knew she wanted more than a kiss on the forehead but I just replied to her smirk with me shaking my head with a smile. She narrowed her eyes whilst pouting at me and slightly scrunching her nose. She knows the nose scrunch get me me. I tilt my head and shook it slightly before giving her a quick kiss on the lips. Once again she gave me a smirk knowing that she has got me wrapped around her finger.

I held her hands and dragged her to where all of our housemates were dancing together, by that how all the girls were dancing and Ed barely standing up, which didn't surprise me if he had been drinking what he had given me and Lizzie all night long.

It was now heading towards 2am and a lot of people had started to leave. I helped Rose and Jessica carry Ed towards their flat until they were able to handle him by themselves. Lizzie was staying at mine so stayed with my flatmates because I did not want her to get cold or even worse have Ed potentially throw up over her which is where I could see his state going.

I headed back to my flat to see Lizzie waiting at the door for me. I gave her a questionable look of why she was waiting outside the flat.

'Hey what are you doing out-' I was cut of with her pushing me against the wall outside my flat where no one else was. She kissed me with even more passion then previously in the day which I did not think was possible.

'Maybe we should go to my room' I panted as she broke the kiss. She nodded as we went back to my room.

and as they say in Mamma Mia, Dot. Dot. Dot.

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii again!

So there was the classic university flat party

always one taking it too far (ED!)

let me know what you think guys I love reading your comments.

Where do we think this is going?

I have got the next few chapters planned but it is just an effort to actually write them!

See you in the next chapter


College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now