Route Guano (Jetkobra)

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They were surrounded, there was no fucking way Jet and Kobra were getting out without a fight. All they were doing was looking for a Killjoy friendly doctor, who would be able to properly check Kobra and the baby he was carrying.

He was roughly six months, he hadn't seen any doctor since he figured out it was a baby making him so sick. It was quite a shock, and the four had to quickly make plans for the new arrival. They promised that they were going to help keep this baby safe.

"You need to get out of here." Jet said, as he grabbed Kobras bike helmet off of the desert sand and quickly putting it on Kobras head.

"I'm not leaving you here Jet. I-I can't ride a motorcycle either."

Jet just bit his lip. It was a habit he had when he was anxious; Kobra was slow and he couldn't fight properly like he used to. There was no way they would get out easily.

"Fuck...Kobra you need to hide."

There was nowhere he could hide, there was no way out. White cars and vans made a circle around them. "I'll be okay Jet, don't worry. I'm good at fighting."

Sure, Kobra was probably the strongest out of the four. He never stepped down from a fight and if it was going to kill him, he was willing to do it to keep the others safe. But Jet didn't want that anymore, not while Kobra had another life to protect.

One shot was fired from the Dracs, and Kobra immediately rushed into action. Jet noticed how much slower Kobra was now, constantly stopping to stretch his back and catch his breath. This cannot end well was all Jet was thinking.

"Kobra, please stop!" Jet yelled, while Kobra hid behind the motorbike. He was badly out of breath, feeling faint and dizzy. "You need to go right now. I'll fight them off, please just go back to the others." Looking at Jet one last time, with fear filled in both of their eyes, Kobra rose to his feet.

He ran as fast as he could, wheezing as he struggled to catch his breath. Jet continued to fight, before hearing one loud yell come from his boyfriend. He turned to see Kobra in the distance, lying on the desert sand while yelling in pain.

With most of the Dracs dead, Jet had to finish them off before he could check on his pregnant boyfriend. He was hardly conscious by the time Jet arrived at his side. Blood was pouring from a wound, all over the sand. Jets heart sank when he saw where Kobra had been shot.

He immediately grabbed a roll of bandages out of his pocket. He tore Kobras shirt off of his body, using a jagged key to cut the fabric. The bullet wound was right in the middle of Kobras pregnant belly. Jet was just seconds away from puking, it was not a sight he wanted to see.

"Kobra, come on baby! Wake up!" He sobbed, grabbing hold of Kobras head and holding him against his chest. "You're gonna be fine, we're going to be fine. Just...stay here. I'll send out a signal for the Doc."

Kobra didn't respond, not so much as a movement. Jet was sobbing as he sent a distress signal for Doctor Death to come and collect the two. With what little strength he had, he placed two hands against Kobras chest and started CPR. Blood was even pouring from Kobras mouth, there was so much of it.


Kobra was fully awake when the others came to his rescue. He was in active, premature labor. The gunshot wound had induced it, Party thought. Kobra screamed so loud as he tried pushing.

"No, not yet!" Ghoul said, standing down wind and keeping track of what exactly was going on down there. "You aren't ready to push yet."

"Is the baby gonna die..?"

"Kobra, right now, we're more concerned about you." Party responded in a gentle tone, hand running through Kobras sweat drenched hair.

"I don't give a shit about me! Please, just make sure the baby survives! I don't care if it kills me, just promise you'll look after my baby if i die.."

The only thing that was stopping the bleeding from the wound was very clumsy stitches, with literal fabric thread. Thanks to Ghouls lack of medical skills, he really thought normal thread would be okay.

Kobra really was unfazed that this baby could possibly kill him. If he lost any more blood, he'd probably be dead. But he was more concerned that the baby was going to die, he didn't know if the baby was shot.

"No-No i gotta push..." Kobra groaned, propping himself up with his arms and throwing his head back against a pillow. It wasn't even needed for him to do the work, it was like the baby was already coming out.


"Shes...Shes not breathing." Party muttered. Kobra watched in absolute horror as the three around him began to panic. "Shes bleeding, it-it isn't stopping.."

"She must've got hit with the bullet.," Ghoul responded. He took the limp baby girl from Party, she was cold, non responsive and didn't cry once. They all knew this was a bad sign. "No...she's...she's dead."

Jet and Kobra just looked at each other; Kobra obviously broke down into hysterical crying, and Jet enveloped him in a warm, tight cuddle. Party and Ghoul remained stood up, trying to find any sign of life in their crewmates child. But there wasn't anything, no heartbeat, no breathing, just a gunshot wound right in the side of her chest.

"Kobra...I'm so sorry.." Party whispered, gently placing the baby girl into his younger brothers arms. Kobra held his breath as he saw his daughter, not crying, not moving, lying lifeless in his arms.

"I'm...I just wanna be alone for a while.." Kobra said with a sigh.


Later that night, Kobra found himself locked in a room alone in Doctor Deaths cabin. He cried into the pillow, holding onto it tightly. Every so often, Jet would peek through the door to check on Kobra, each time he did, Kobra was in the same position.

I should've ran like Jet said. This is my fault. My baby is dead because of me. I killed my daughter. What kind of mom am i? I put my baby at danger because i'm so fucking selfish and self centred. What is wrong with me?!

Kobra hardly noticed Jet sitting on the opposite side of the bed. His hand gently rubbed up and down Kobras thigh, he could feel sobs wracking Kobras body.

"Y'know...we should probably give her a little funeral. Don't you think?" Jet whispered gently, Kobra looked up with tear filled eyes before he buried himself back into the pillow.


"I'm...I'm so sorry this happened to us. Y'know, if you really want to have a baby, we could try again. The others are okay with us having a baby together."

Kobra sighed. "Not for a while. I-I don't want to for a long time yet.."

"Okay. Thats fine with me honey. I love you so much, okay? And we're gonna be okay."

The younger just smiled a little and nodded, hand finding itself inside of Jets hand. "Yeah. I love you too.."

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