Part Of Her Life (Frerard)

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Gerardway: Frank?

Frankieromustdie: What do you want?

Gerardway: Can you come over? We need to talk.

It started with what Gerard thought was a stomach flu, that gradually got worse over the weeks. He was gaining weight, which he found odd, since he was throwing up so much. He started feeling off, like this wasn't just a stomach flu. He had a suspicion, which was proven positive by a little pink plus.

Frank was Gerards ex. They hooked up again at Mikeys bachelor party after three rounds of shots, and had unprotected sex in the back of Franks car. That morning, Gerard woke up full of shame, he told Frank to never speak to him again and left.


"Alright Mr Way, could you lift your shirt up for me?" The midwife, Doctor Nestor, said with a smile, "Do you want to know what you're having?"

"I don't want this baby." He grumbled.

"Mr Way, im afraid its too late to terminate the pregnancy. If you still feel this way when you deliver, maybe you could give your baby to a couple who cant have children."

"I-I cant give my baby away.."

"And you were planning on terminating the baby?"

"Well yeah but...that's different."


Gerard shrugged. He lifted up the stretched shirt, and unzipped his fly. Doctor Nestor squeezed a clear, cool gel onto the small bump in between Gerards hips, smoothing it out and pressing down with a probe.

"Well, its a girl."

Gerard felt something inside his heart flutter and warm as he heard the baby's heartbeat echo around the room. He was ready to give the baby up, he was going to end the innocent babys life if he could, he saw his pregnant belly as a reminder of his ex. But when he looked at the baby in black and white on the monitor, and then looked back at his belly, he smiled. He was a mom, whether he liked it or not.

"I don't think i want to give her away...Shes my daughter, she'll always be mine."


Gerard knew this was going to be an uncomfortable and awkward situation. He hadn't spoken to Frank since that night, now he was carrying his baby.

He grabbed the pregnancy test he threw away into his drawer, and the sonograms from his messenger bag from earlier that day. He had cooked pizza for himself and for Frank, he remembered it was Franks favourite.

It was around 7pm when Frank knocked on the door. Gerard covered his bump with a large jacket, so Frank wouldn't notice.

"Hey." Gerard said.


"C-Come in. I made pizza if you want some."

"I don't want to be any longer than i have to. I'd rather not see your face."

Gerard sighed. Frank took his shoes off and left them by the door, following Gerard into the nicely decorated living room.

"What is it?" Frank grumbled, lighting up a cigarette, "Want one?"

Gerard hadn't had a smoke in months, "No thanks."

"Why not?"

"Its...part of the reason i wanna talk.."

Frank furrowed his eyebrows, "Whats going on with you?"

Gerard hesitated. He felt his eyes brim with tears, as they spilled down his face one by one. Frank, the only man Gerard has had real feelings for...he was being so cold and shallow. Gerard had a growing fear about what Frank would do when he told him about their baby.

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