Frank, Worlds Best Husband (Frerard)

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Gerard had been staying at his childhood home with Mikey and his parents, they did it every year, and Gerards pregnancy was all the more to meet as a family again.

But he was suffering so badly. Morning sickness, it wasn't just in the morning. He would spend most of the day passed out by the toilet or fast asleep in bed.

Mikey had been informing Frank about Gerards condition while Donna took good care of him, making sure his pillows were nice and comfy, showering him when his hair was matted with grease and vomit. Gerard couldn't take baths, male pregnancy was such a risky thing that he had to be extremely careful.

Gerard was being driven home that day. Frank decided to make sure Gerard would be comfortable as soon as he got home. He set the thermostat to a warm, cosy temperature, he cleaned the house and finally cleared the babys room out, and he even went out to McDonalds to get the nuggets he loved to smother in peanut butter and sprinkle off with coconut shavings. He had strange cravings.

He fluffed up Gerards pregnancy pillow; it was so comfortable for him to rest his bump on. He left a few bottles of water and bags of snacks like nuts and fruit and chocolate bars. He left a barf bucket next to the bed, sincw Gerards vomiting was becoming so constant.

Frank turned on Gerards favourite TV show, Fresh Prince of Bel Air and turned the humidifier on, lighting some incense and folding some blankets up.

The keys rattled in the door and Mikey entered with an exhausted, pale, weak Gerard stumbling in. Mikey hand his arm around Gerards upper torso and holding his right hand.

Gerards eyes were dark and hollow from the restless nights, his face was white from the sickness, and his lips cracked and faded from the constant vomiting.

Frank walked downstairs and immediately embraced Gerard. He kissed Gerards sweaty forehead and tipped his head up so they were looking at each other; Gerards soft, green eyes looking back at Frank, his eyelids heavy and dark circles around them.

"Hey princey, you're not feeling well, hm?" Frank cooed, tucking Gerards matted, greasy hair behind his ears.


"Well, look around, i cleaned the whole house!"

"You're a saint Frank, i don't deserve you." He said with a tired sigh.

"I have another surprise for you, do you want me to carry you?"


Frank scooped Gerard up into his arms and carried him up the stairs. Gerard had his left arm over Franks shoulder, and his other arm around Franks chest. His eyes were dreary and half closed.

"Hows she been?" Frank asked.

"Active, really active."

Frank showed Gerard the empty baby room, except from a few boxes and bags of baby clothes and toys that Mikey had given them, and the ones they had bought, the crib and the high chair box, even though they didn't need the chair for another year or so.

"Oh, thanks Frankie."

Frank carried Gerard into the bedroom and lay him down in the bed. Gerard would've been more appreciative, but he was far to exhausted and nauseous.

Gerard took a few sips of water and ate a full cracker, before Frank covered him up with the duvet and blankets. He looked as though he was dying; He looked so exhausted and weak, Frank knew exactly how to look after him.

"Morning sickness clearing up at all?"

"Mm-mm." Gerard shook his head, "Its like...all day. My mom took me baby clothes shopping and i threw up in the car, all over my was so embarrassing.."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about hun. Babys gonna make you sick, you know that. Come on, lie with me."

Gerard shuffled closer to his husband, resting his head on Franks chest and closing his eyes.

"Some mom im gonna be.."

"Gee, i wont have you talking about yourself like that, okay? You're gonna be great."

"How? I don't even like kids!"

"You like Mikeys baby."

Gerard thought to himself. Mikey was strong, he got pregnant when he was seventeen, because his reckless boyfriend didn't give two fucks about condoms. He gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, that he named Grace. He raised her as a single mom, for six full years. Then he met Ray, who he knew was the one. He was so kind and considerate that Mikey already had a daughter, he didn't care that Grace wasn't his. He treated her like his own.

"That's different...Mikey needed it.."

"Yeah, he did need a lot of support, but thats not the point. You love Gracie so much."

"Im her uncle.."

"And this little one right here," Frank grinned, prodding Gerards baby bump, "Is your baby girl. Your own daughter, our first baby. Sure, you might not like kids, but that doesn't mean you wont love your own. Listen to me right now mister, you are going to be amazing."

Gerard reached for Franks tattooed hand, smiling to himself and fiddling around with Franks wedding ring. Their wedding was the best day of both of their lives. Little Grace was a flowergirl, Mikey was the ring bearer, and Frank and Gee were the handsome groom. They had never experienced such joy in a single moment than on their wedding day. They both cried at each others vows, and the kiss was like the most magical thing ever.

"Do you even love me, Frank?"

"Gerard Arthur Iero, thats enough. Don't you dare doubt how much i love you. I love you more than i can tell you. You make me so happy, you make me laugh and smile everyday without even trying, you're giving me a baby girl, Gee! I love you so much, okay?"

"Are you still gonna love me...even when im huge? A-And when i have the baby and my body looks like shit?"

"Your body doesn't change you. As long as i still get to marry that beautiful man inside, i don't care what you look like. I'd kill a man to make you smile, your smile is worth the world."

Gerard couldn't help but let his lips curl into a smile.

"God Frank...Y-You always know how to make me cry.."

"Thats just your hormones Gee. Its okay."

"I love you Frank! I love you so much Frankie!"

"I love you too Gee. And our little girl. Wanna talk baby names?"

Gerard shook his head, "I wanna sleep."

Frank got Gerard nice and cosy with blankets and cushions and his pregnancy pillow. He dimmed the lights and turned the TV off, turning back to Gerard who was whining and groaning, rubbing his baby bump in circular motions.

"I wont be able to sleep with her moving so much.."

"I got the headphones hun. You just get comfy and i'll get her to sleep."

Gerard closed his eyes, holding a stuffed brown bear he had from when he was a child, and that he was ready to pass down to his baby. He watched as Frank hooked up a pair of headphones to an Ipod and started shuffling through his music.

"There we go. Some nice David Bowie." Frank smiled, "Get some rest now baby girl. Mama needs his beauty sleep, like you. He can't get his beauty sleep if you're kicking around." He giggled, placing a kiss against Gerards t-shirt clad belly.

"Night night Frankie." Gerard whispered.

"Sweet dreams Gee. I'll make your food for when you wake up. I love you both so much."

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