You Too (Rikey/Frerard)

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“GOD DAMN IT!” Mikey cursed loudly when he felt the familiar nausea feeling that has been a nuisance to him for at least two weeks. He quickly got up from where he sat and ran to the bathroom. Luckily, he got in there in time to vomit into the toilet bowl. Two weeks ago, when this all began, he was not so lucky. He had to clean up his own vomit which just grossed him out more that day.

It has been utter hell for him. He knows he should go see a doctor. He liked to tell himself that he was fine and that some over the counter antibiotics would help him. He believed his own words in the beginning. What could possibly be wrong with him? He thought it was nothing the first day. The second day he convinced himself he got food poisoning. Ray was confused since he was fine with the Chinese they had eaten for dinner. At the time, neither of them questioned it could be anything else. Ray accepted the response and Mikey was beginning to as well.

Well, now he is two weeks in. Mikey noticed that nausea was not his only newly welcomed symptoms of whatever the hell he had. He was starting to get emotional. Now, if anyone knew him, they would know Mikey barely let his emotions show – some people believed he had none because of his poker face he always wore. The people he was close with knew he had emotions, of course, he just did not showcase them like Gerard, who was his polar opposite. Mikey was not just emotional he was overemotional.

It was insane. He would cry at the smallest thing. The ASPCA commercials always wanted to make you tear up, but he became a sobbing mess. The memory was burned into his mind. Some lame cheesy Hallmark movie was playing while Ray and he were making out on the couch. One of the ASPCA commercials played and that was all he could focus on. The lips he loved to kiss and the large hands that were touching him everywhere were the last thing on his mind. He stopped what he was doing and began crying.

Mikey sniffled. “Oh my god…”

Ray froze when he heard his boyfriend crying. “Mikey?” He felt horrible when Mikey scooted away and sat properly on their couch. “Oh my god, babe, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? What’s wrong?” His heart raced seeing Mikey so distressed.

Mikey sobbed and placed his hands over his mouth. His hazel eyes Ray loved looking into were glued to the TV. “Why…why…?” He turned to Ray, “Why, Ray? Who the fuck would do that to such precious angels? People are so fucked up!”

Ray arched an eyebrow. It took a few moments to understand what his boyfriend was saying. When Mikey turned back to the TV, Ray looked at it too. The afro haired man noticed the commercial and could see why it would make people devastated. He was starting to feel sad, but he has certainly never seen his boyfriend so distraught before. Ironically, this is not the first time they had seen the commercial.

Instead of trying to analyze his boyfriend’s emotions, Ray got closer to Mikey and wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug. “I know, Mikes, people do suck. But we got awesome people trying to make a change, right?” Ray’s heart hurt hearing the hard sobs erupt from the latter.

“It’s unfair!” Mikey exclaimed. Ray was surprised when his boyfriend removed his arms and ran out of the room.

Mikey remembered he was sobbing his heart out in the bathroom. Out of nowhere, he realized how odd his reaction had been. It was his fourth day of acting whacky in the first week. He apologized to Ray later that day. His boyfriend was the sweetest and most understanding. The ray of sunshine just embraced him sweetly and made sure he was fine throughout the day. Mikey was the luckiest person in the world to have Ray Toro as his boyfriend that was for certain.

He never had an outburst like that because he had to reel himself in. If Ray was not with him, he did though. It was so bizarre that Mikey questioned if there was something mentally wrong with him. Some scents even caused him to hurl, not just eating. He literally could not smell the stand of onions and garlic while his stomach could not handle fried food anymore. He never had issues like this before, yet he was suffering now for some reason. Mikey noticed he was beginning to get easily annoyed too, but he kept that under wraps. Ray sometimes stayed at the studio late practicing with Frank and that was normal, but now Mikey was getting pissed. He was used to Gerard calling him every day at whatever time he chose, but it was getting on his nerves too, especially when it was early in the morning.

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