Baby Fever (Rikey)

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It had been two months since Bandit had been born and like always, Frank and Gerard were focused on the new baby. Of course, Cherry and Lily still got attention and love. It was normal to just be protective of the new baby. Mikey remembered Frank and Gerard were worried that once Bandit arrived, they would feel like the new baby was getting everyone's attention. All of them did what they could to make sure the twins didn't feel this way after their baby sister was welcomed into the world. 

Since Frank and Gerard were focused on the twins and Bandit, Mikey was the one who suggested they take Friday off for date night. It was different when they first had the twins. Gerard's "motherly instincts'' kicked in and all he wanted to do was be around Cherry and Lily. It was hard to get them to go out because they were just worried about their daughters. Mikey could understand to a point. He comprehended the desire to protect a loved one, but he didn't know what it was like to be a parent. 

When the twins were born, Mikey had also begun dating Ray. They had been friends pining over each other for years and when they finally confessed, they just wanted to be together. Gerard understood that and probably didn't want to bother him when it came to babysitting the twins.  Besides, it's not like Mikey never got to babysit the twins. 

"Okay, so she's already been fed and burped." Gerard said while he held two-month-old Bandit in his arms. 

Mikey was just listening to his brother provide instructions that he was already well aware of. He knew not to leave the stove on. He knew when to not give the children anything to eat or else it would upset their stomachs. He was aware that all doors and windows should be closed and locked so no unwanted visitors could disturb them. Did Gerard think he was a child? 

Not only was Gerard giving him instructions that were pure common sense, but to Ray too. Cherry and Lily were showing him a picture book on the couch while he listened to Gerard too. Mikey wasn't insulted by Gerard's anxiousness just slightly amused. Obviously, he wasn't going to pull one of his forks in a toaster stunts around his nieces. You do it once and you're forever to be watched. 

"I know, Gee." They had arrived right after his nieces had eaten long before. He knew Gerard was just being overprotective. "We can handle this, Gee." 

Ray chimed in. "Don't worry, Gerard. I'll be watching all of them. I won't let him near the toaster." Cherry and Lily giggled. 

Mikey gasped, pretending to be mad and turned around to glare at Ray. "Excuse me, that was once!" Ray winked at him and turned the page in the picture book. 

"See Gee?" Frank came from the kitchen. "Ray has it all under control. They're going to be okay." Frank eyed the couch. "Okay girls, Mommy and I are gonna head off now." Cherry and Lily got up from the couch to hug Frank. 

"Okay, okay." Gerard took a deep breath before getting closer to Mikey. "Here's Bands." Gerard cautiously placed his daughter in Mikey's arms. "Daddy and I will be back later," he said, giving kisses and hugs. The twins waved their hands while their parents exited the house. 

Mikey held onto Bandit securely and just looked down at her. He could hear the twins and Ray saying something, but all he could do was look at Bandit. She was still wide awake and staring back at him. This was odd. Why was he just observing his niece? 

It's not like it was the first time he's held a baby. When he could, he did help take care of the twins. So why was he being like this now? 

When Bandit yawned, he widened his eyes at the adorable sight. Why was he finding this so cute? Obviously Bandit was adorable, but why was he being like this now? 

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