Daddy's Arachnophobia (Frerard)

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There were tiny balls of sweat cascading down the edges of Frank's forehead while he swallowed hardly. His hazel eyes were set on the wall where Bandit's bookshelf was. Right above the lavender painted bookshelf, there was a spider observing the humans its eight tiny eyes were set on. While said spider was watching the humans, Frank was counting the eyes and legs on the damn insect.

He wished he were anywhere but here now. His fingers gripped onto the picture book in his hand. Sad to say, Frank knew after encountering this filthy, terrifying creature he would think about it for the remainder of the day. He was going to cringe thinking about those tiny, needle-like legs. His eyes would search the walls and floors for any sight of anymore of them.

How dare the bastard ruin his weekend?

"Daddy?" A soft voice called out to him, disturbing his trance of fear. Frank turned his head while he watched the arachnid at the corner of his eye. The five-year-old little girl with Gerard's features soothed him slightly. He could not forget the spider in the room.

Frank licked his lips nervously, turning his head momentarily to see the arachnid still above the bookshelf. He was thankful that he chose to read to Bandit near the bed and not the shelf. If so, he might have been too late, and the spider would be on top of his shoulder. Or head. The thought made him cringe.

He could stand up to his fear. He could go up to that spider and smash it with the back of his hand if he so pleased! There was no way an eight-legged insect was going to get the best of him. He was Frank fucking Iero for heaven's sake! He was a man that didn't run from fights. He did not bite his tongue when he had something to say.

Of course, him being able to face his fear of arachnids was all in his imagination. This was simply a goal he had ever since discovering his arachnophobia. He had never gotten the chance to defeat his phobia that made his skin crawl. He knows his friends laughed at him when it came to his phobia. It did not surprise him that they all admitted that killing a spider was no struggle for any of them.

Well ain't that lucky for you, Frank sardonically replied to them. The moment was back in high school when his group of friends discussed their phobias. Laughing was all they did.

Frank's eyes went back from the spider to Bandit. Unfortunately, the spider was winning and gaining of his undying attention. He wanted to make sure it was in the same place. If it left, who knows where it would go next? "What is it, sweetie?"

Bandit had not realized what her daddy had all his attention on. She noticed he was acting strange. It reminded her of when she would go to a doctor's appointment. Her parents told her it was important and that they needed to know how she was doing health wise. Her mommy did share his fear for needles though, which Bandit could understand.

Her mommy was on the phone now while her daddy promised that he would read her a book. She picked the book and her daddy had been reading it. Her daddy's voice went silent about less than a minute ago. Everything seemed fine until he was looking around the room. She noticed he kept looking at the bookshelf and she wondered if he wanted to read something else instead.

Bandit did not mind if her daddy wanted to read something else. "Are you okay?" She didn't want to see her daddy nervous. A part of her wanted to exit the room and run to fetch her mommy. She knew how much he made her daddy happy. It was because they loved each other so much. She loved them too and hope she made them happy like they did for her.

Frank shot a glare at the arachnid before wheeling around to face Bandit. Was it smart for him to tell her that one of his biggest fears was spiders? From what he knew, only doctors scared her, but needles did not make her shake with fright like it did with Gerard.

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