Mothers Day (Frerard)

838 13 19

Hesitant Alien Gee
Danger Days Frank

It was around 9pm, far past the twins' bedtimes. Frank and Gerard let then stay up so late as a rare treat, so they could watch movies together. Surprisingly, Gerard was the first to get sleepy and go to bed.

"G'night Frankie. And you two, Cherry and Lily. I love you guys." He mumbled, kissing each of the twins forehead and then Franks lips.

"Night mommy!" Lily yelled.

"Night Gee. I'll be coming to bed soon."

Gerards footsteps became quieter and quieter, till the bedroom door creaked open and then closed again. The twins immediately looked up at their dad and grinned.

"Alright you two. Tomorrow is Mothers Day, okay? We need to make it super special for mommy. Hes been working super hard recently and he needs a break. Tomorrow, i want you both on your best behaviours. No giving mommy a hard time."

"Okay daddy. What about the gifts we all got?" Lily asked.

"I wrapped them up, and we'll give them to him tomorrow morning. Sound good? We'll get him breakfast in bed, i got him flowers, but you girls can give them to him. You have the cards, right?"

"Yes papa." Cherry responded, "Mine has lots of glitter."

"Hes gonna love it. Tomorrow, we're gonna make breakfast for him in bed, and then we're gonna take a walk in the park. When we get home, we're gonna treat him like a king. We're gonna pamper him. Thats the plan, okay?"

Both twins smiled and nodded. Frank quietly snuck around the house and grabbed the gifts he had hidden from Gerard, along with a bunch of flowers in a glass vase. He placed them on the table for the morning, and then walked to the kitchen. He prepared some pancake mix ready to cook in the morning.

By the time he finished, Lily and Cherry were both fast asleep on the sofa. Frank lifted both of them up at once, and carried them up to bed. He lay them in their beds, and then tucked them both in. He shut their bedroom light off and then walked back to his and Gerards bedroom.

Gerard was sleeping peacefully, bundled up in one side of the bed. Frank joined him on the other side of the bed and covered himself up with the duvet, and then wrapped his arm over Gerards body. He used his free hand to comb through Gerards short red hair, feeling the softness of it. How could someone dye and bleach their hair so much and still have super soft hair?


The next morning, Frank woke up at around 6am. Gerard was still fast asleep. He snuck out of bed, trying not to disturb his sleeping husband.

He quietly crept to his daughters bedroom, and woke them up. He woke Lily up first, and immediately shushed her, holding his finger to his lips and shushing her, and then did the same to Cherry. The three of them walked very quietly down the stairs. The twins quietly carried Gerards gifts to his bedroom, sneaking out to bring the rest in, while Frank cooked a plate of pancakes and three bowls of cereal.

The twins and Frank quickly ate their cereal, and then Frank made a coffee for Gerard. He carried it all upstairs on a tray, put the cards from himself and the twins on the tray and gently woke him up.

"G'morning.." He grumbled.

"Morning Gee. Seeing as its Mothers Day, me and the twins wanna treat you like a king for today."

"Pancakes? I fucking love pancakes!"

He immediately got to work on eating them, a huge stack of 6 fluffy pancakes. Recently, Gerard has had a huge appetite, and he craves pancakes so often. Frank had definitely noticed it, but Gerard just shrugged it off as always loving pancakes.

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