29: The Guy Wearing Baggy Shorts And Sando

Start from the beginning

Jaspher clenched his jaw. He never play Lego. He was so angry that air was perspiring out of his nose.

Only a saint can tolerate this behavior!

Even though Jaspher was one of the well-groomed Lorde, he seemed to be going out of his mind. He wanted to shout and cursed at the face of the beast who did this. But he seemingly didn't want to die early, so even with the infuriation, Jaspher crawled up to his bed and gathered himself. 

At first Jaspher was not sure as to why he was so tolerant of Zed. But as he thought about it deeply, aside from he was abruptly scared of the prince, Zed reminds him of his younger-brother, who was now living his life with his own family in a remote village.

Jaspher and this younger brother were the best of friends. That said, his brother was surely more kind than Zed. But one night, his brother Mica, arrived to their mansion holding a girl's hand whose stomach. Jaspher knew quickly, his younger brother had impregnated a woman. However, it was not a big deal even if Micha was young since the girl was obviously as young as him too. It just became a problem when Micha said he'd go with his wife to another country, far away. And this country was led by terrorists. 

It turned out, the girl was a daughter of a leader of a terrorist group and his brother Micha was the one sourcing them weapons from Henry's Artillery. Henry might be a lot of things but he never sided with the terrorists who were always after his creations. Jaspher and his brother got into a wild argument. He warned Micha that Henry might get him killed if this comes out but no matter how hard Jaspher pleaded for his brother to stay away from the woman, Mica still flew away, leaving Jaspher and his sick parents who was both bed-ridden at that time.

Soon, Henry found out Micha was a snake, he quickly exiled Micha from the family,  reported it to the authorities who now hunts Micha, and warned every Lorde who'd help Micha will be assassinated. 

Out of the blue, Henry offered to be Jaspher's mentor. Something any Lorde would die to get. Jaspher couldn't refuse, he was now learning everything from the most successful man on business in their family synth, his uncle Henry.

Jaspher had himself prepared of Henry, but Zed Nuevas made his life in this mansion feel like a living hell.

Jaspher snapped back to the present when a grumbling sound then came out of his stomach. He was not sure whether it was because of hunger or was it because of the diarrhea he had to endure last night.

"I made this specially for you, Jaspher. Eat it." Those words were spoken lightly, but the yielding force of the devil who spoke it can make anyone surrender! Jaspher didn't want to eat it but Zed was looking at him with murderous intent while holding a bowl of cereal in front of him.

Jaspher ate the cereal Zed made for him, it was... delicious. But in truth it was mixed with a lot of laxatives. Jaspher spent his whole day yesterday sitting on a toilet. He could feel his ass hole sore from it.

Jaspher unwillingly stood up and walked carefully while sliding his feet, wiping away the pieces of lego on the floor.

When  Jaspher reached the door frame, faint sounds echoed on the mansion, and it seemed to be coming from the first floor. Moreover, it was more of a laugh than a maid crying because of Zed's foolish notions.

For months, Jaspher had never heard such laughter on this mansion. There shouldn't be laughter.

 Jaspher hastily went to the lobby and picked a displayed baseball bat, thinking that there were robbers on the gaming room,

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