16. My little devil (nsfw)

Start from the beginning

"Exactly!" Oikawa said with a smile. You rolled your eyes a little and kissed him passionately which he returned it back.


It's lunch time and you, Oikawa, Ita, and Iwa Decided to stay at a empty classroom and eat lunch together where it was quiet and no one to disturb you.

As you were talking with the other three and eating your lunch someone walked into the classroom.

It was your bully's group of friends your bully was there and also the girl who you slapped at the party.

The girl you slapped at the party walked over to you, "move over, I want to sit beside Oikawa" she said with a stern voice, you didn't notice but she had a bruise where you slapped her.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna move" you said as you glared at her.

"Uh, whatever!" She said as she walked to a desk with her other friends.

Once she walked to a desk as well as the bully you said something to them. "Also, you own me a apology" you said as you looked at the girl who you slapped.

"Me?! a apology?!, I think you got it all mixed up, and why are you asking me to apologize anyway?" She said as she glared at you.

"For touching and sexual harassing my boyfriend!" You said as you touched Oikawa's hand, rubbing it for reassurance.

"You gotta be kidding, you were the one who fucking slapped me!, you're the one who should be apologizing, not me you fucking slut!" She yelled to you.

Oikawa and Iwa glared at her, ready to hit her if needed. But you stood up from rage.

"What did you fucking call me?" You said in a stern serious voice.

"I called you a fucking slut!, what are you gonna do about it? It's true tho!" She said as she walked up to you.

"You have 5 secs to get out of this room or else I'll hit you in the face" you said.

"Olivia, you should listen to her and leave, we don't wanna get in trouble" Your bully said to the girl that you slapped at the party.

"Stop it Lila, she's weak and probably would chicken out!" Olivia said to your bully.

'So my bully's name is Lila and the girl I slapped at the party is name Olivia?, wow such basic names for white washed whores' you thought with a smirk.

"What are you smiling about?" Olivia said to you with a angry expression. "No it's just, your names are so basic, huh, what do you expect from attention seeking whores!" You said as you moved some hair strands away from your face.

"You little bitch!" Olivia said as she threw a fist at your face, before she could punch you, you grabbed her wrist when she was about to hit you.

"Well I guess you're taking a trip to the nurses office" you said with a smirk.

You punched her hard in the stomach, it was so hard that blood came out of her mouth.

You then punched her in the face as hard as you did last time and her nose started to bleed.

She fell down on the floor and you punched her two more times on each cheek, one where the bruise was and the other on her other cheek. Her bruise started to darken as her other cheek started to swell.

𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬  ➤ 𝕋. 𝕆𝕚𝕜𝕒𝕨𝕒Where stories live. Discover now