chapter twenty

Começar do início

Derek and Jacob walked out since they got an important phone call, so it was just me, Kyle, Alex, Ruby and a sleeply Allison in the room

Sighing deeply I picked up Ruby from Kyle's arms, Kyle yelled a thank you making me slap his head to shut him up

"Allison's asleep idiot!" I whispered yelled while slapping Kyle's head again. He whinched making Alex, and Ruby laughed. I sighed while placing Ruby on my hip

'Aana.' I didn't get a response back after like two minutes

'Sorry, on it.' She quickly relayed before mumbling a spell under her breath. My eyes scanned over the room to see all the mess cleared up, no more wet mixture on the floor and not more flour on the table. The cupboards where closed and the living room was left clean as well

'Thanks.' I said, she hummed before going to the back of my mind

My hands came in contact with the wooden table as I rose up from the chair making it fall back. The room went silence as everyone's attention went straight towards me

"This is not what we planned!" I shouted out in rage, my hands bowled up into -tight clenched- fists. My wolf growled angry at the man that stood at the head of the stupid wooden table

"Pin her down." He growled. I quickly dodged the two rogues that made a move to pin me down, by trying to grab my wrists. I kicked the dirty blonde haired guy in the legs making him fall down onto the ground, groaning in pain

Picking up a glass that layed on the tabled, I smashed it into the other ones head. His body fell to the ground unconscious. I heard bones cracking so I knew that the rest of the people in the room were shifting into their wolves

I shifted into my big black wolf, letting her take over for me. She jumped out of a broken window landing safely on the ground. She broke into a sprint as soon as her paw came in contact with the ground.  When her ears catcher the sound of  multiple paws behind her, she picked up her pace

She leaped over an old tree trunk, while running deep into the -unknown- woods, that we still had to get familiar with . I heard growls and paws panting against the ground in the distance

My wolf whimpered as a wolf emerged from the bushes. Skylar pushed her limited to run far away from the wolves but only managed to bum into two Alpha male wolves

She quickly stood in a fighting position as she snarled at the two -huge- black wolves. She instantly stopped what she got a wiff of our mates scents. I was going to call out to her but she beat me to it

'I know, I know, we're going.' She whinched, taking a last look at the big alpha males wolfs before sprinting of. She didn't get far since she bummed into a dark brown wolf. She growled annoyed but her growl stopped mid when she heard the rouges that were chasing her

She turned around to spot at lest twelve different rouges growling at her and the three wolves that stood beside her. Without thinking the wolf that stood in front of the rest, tackled Skylar to the ground

In reflex Skylar kicked the orange-ish, brown wolf of her. She stood up growling at the wolf while showing her canine. The wolf shivered in fear but stood it's grounds while showing it's canine back at Skylar, trying to make Skylar submit but failed miserably

Skylar growled while taking a threatening step towards the aggressive rouges

I could feel four pair of wolf eyes looking at me. I didn't turn around since I was so concentrated on growling at the rogues that I didn't realise a brown wolf crashed itself into my rib cage. I whimpered as my back hit against the tree but Skylar managed to keep her balance. Skylar's claws ran across the she-wolfs face, making the wolf growl in pain

Another wolf clawed my stomach making me grumble and dig my claws into the she-wolf's face. In an instant the wolf douge it's claws into my stomach, was tackled to the ground by the big -large- alpha wolf

Everything moved in slow- motion, as the -black- wolf claws dug into the others side. I could tell the alpha wolf was just teasing the brown rogue. The alpha wolf could easily tear me to limps if what he wanted to

A shiver ran up my spine at the image, shaking my head I turned my attention back to the rogues who still stood their grounds. I grumbled before attacking the rouges 'leader'

He growled in rage as my claws douge into his shoulder blades. He shoved me off of him before throwing me onto the ground, the wolf stood over Skylar's body as he showed his canine into her shoulder, where her our mates marks would go...

Skylar groaned in pain before picking the wolf of her, she watched as the wolfs back came in contact with a tree. A loud crack rang out through the forest as everyone stopped to look at the wolf on the ground

'Is he dead?' I questioned, Skylar shurgged before taking large steps towards the wolf only to be tackled to the ground by four different rogues

Skylar's head hit against something hard -I assume it was a rock- making everything go blurry for her

Two loud angry growls ripped through the forest making every sudden movement stop. I heard the rogues slowing retreating from the two Alpha wolves and the brown haired wolf. The rouges broke out into a sprint as the wolves growled again

'Let me take control Skylar?' I asked worried for my wolf. We might get eachother into difficult shit but that doesn't mean we don't love each other like wolf and human slibings (Idk what the fuck to call it)

'But you'll be naked when you shift back." Her voice trembled as she focused not to fall fully conscious

'Skylar shift back, you fur will change into clothes for her.' Anna pointed out. Skylar sighed before hesitantly shifting back. I watched as her fur changed into soft clothes, for me to wear

I tried pushing myself of the ground but was picked of the ground and placed into strong arms. With my vision blurry and a pounding headache I manged to make out the outlines of the stranger that was carrying me. I was placed in Jayden's arms bridge style...

I tried to push away the trobbing pain and mindlink with my brothers but only manged to make my head pond worse

I groaned in pain as I fist Jayden's shirt in my hands while hiding my face in his chest, wanting to forget about the pain I was feeling.

I heard a faint chuckle before everything slow started fading around me. I fight to keep my eyes open but failed so I slowly gave into the warm lulling darkne


Chapter 21: unedited

Start To End (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora