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" Hina cooked all of this for us. Please enjoy it." Heeseung said to Sarang and Jinhyuk. At the same time, Jihan arrived at his house and quickly went to the table as she was amazed at the food.

" Look, Sarang! It's caramel pudding."

Jihan said to Sarang excitedly,
" It's your favorite!"

" Oh, you like caramel pudding?" Heeseung spoke up and Sarang slowly shook her head.

" Liar. You once told me how much you wanted to eat it. You always ate it whenever we went to a party or-"

" I never like it..." Sarang cut her off and walked towards Jihan before choosing the food.

" Hina, do you want me to take the food for you?" Heeseung asked Hina softly while Sarang was eavesdropping on their conversation in silence. Sarang couldn't help but sighed and took a glance at Heeseung,

as his eyes met her, she quickly smiled and ran to the living room to eat with Jihan and Jinhyuk.

" I guess, Hina is giving him a chance again, "Jinhyuk spoke up and Sarang slowly nodded to him.
" He is dreaming of this for a long time. So, I'm happy for him."

" What's wrong with that face? Why do you look really sad?" Jihan asked Sarang curiously.

" Don't tell me-"

Sarang nodded her head.
" Yes..."

" Hey, you should not-"

Sarang chuckled,
" I know. I know. Of course, I know."

" But I can't stop it." She paused and took a deep breath,

" Sarang, can you stop hurting your feeling?"

Sarang shook her head,
" I don't want to stop loving him."

" I don't want to give up."

Jinhyuk sighed heavily,
" Sarang, I'm sorry to say this."

" But you got no chance..."

Sarang looked down.

" I know how much he loves that girl. it's impossible..."

Sarang giggled,
" I don't want to give up too."

" I believe that one day.."

" One day, he will feel the same as me. I believe that I am not wrong this time. I can feel it."

" He is the right person, you know?"

" I faced the same things when I used to love Lee Know but this time, I believed that I am
not wrong. Although I faced the hurt moments again, I will never give up. He is the right person. He is my Mr. perfect."

" I will wait for him although it will take several years."

Jihan suddenly interlocked her finger with Sarang causing Sarang to look at Jihan blankly.
" Does he ever touch you?"

Sarang slowly shook her head,
" He never allows me to touch him."

" Sarang, can you see it? It's mean you should stop-"

" One day, he will touch me. I know. God will allow me to touch him." Sarang cut her off and sighed heavily,

" I believe that one day, I can feel his touch."


" Mr. Lee?"

Sarang walked around the house ground to search for him while holding her camera. As her eyes met him, she smiled and took a step closer to him but her step immediately stopped when Hina threw a bucket of water at him causing he got wet.

" Hey, what are you doing?!" Heeseung asked Hina surprisingly causing Hina to laugh loudly.
Hina took a step away when Heeseung filled water in the bucket and he suddenly threw it to her too.

They laughed at each other and Hina quickly ran away when Heeseung was trying to touch her.

" Hey, come here!"

Sarang froze when the moment of Heeseung and her were playing a ballon at the amusement park crossed her mind.

Sarang watched them silently,

and placed her hand on her chest,
trying to calm herself from being emotional.

" Let go of me!" Hina said to Heeseung and they laughed again. Heeseung held her hand tightly and took a step closer to her with his eyes fixed at her-

" Hey, what are you going to do?" Hina laughed and he suddenly leaned his body closer to Hina causing Hina to lose her words.

" Your penalty."

Sarang was still there and watched him leaned his face closer to Hina.

Sarang took a picture of them and decided to leave but Heeseung suddenly interlocked his finger with Hina and took a deep breath before slowly placing his lips on hers.

Sarang widened her eyes and she quickly turned her body, running away but she suddenly fell on the ground causing both of them to stop.

" Who's that?"

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