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" I miss you too, you know?"

Is he dreaming?

Did she finally return his feeling?

" Do you finally like me ba-"

" I miss you as a friend." Hina looked at him and sighed before handing a paper bag to him causing the whole situation to become awkward.

" Take this." Heeseung slowly accepted the paper bag and tears rolled on his cheek when he noticed what was happening.

" Why did you return this to me back? I gave all of this to you and-" He paused, wiped his tears.

" And you just returned this to me back. Why, Shin Hina? I just want you to like me back, is it hard to do?"

Hina looked at the ground and patted his shoulder to comfort him from crying. Heeseung suddenly put the paper bag away and pulled her hand, hugged her tightly.

He rested his head on her shoulder and tightened the hug while she was trying to end the scene.

" Please love me back."

" Heeseung, stop it." Hina slowly pushed him away and took a step away from him.

" You can't do that." She said making Heeseung cried more.

" You deserve someone better. Just like someone else, okay?"

" No. I just want you." Heeseung said and reached his hand to her but Hina avoided him and bowed to him before leaving his house.


" Good morning, Mr. Lee !" Sarang said happily when she saw Heeseung was monitoring the computer seriously. She noticed Heeseung was in a bad mood just now, so she shut her mouth and slowly walked closer to him, gave him a lollipop.

Sarang noticed his eyes were puffy like he cried over something before. She was worried about him, so she didn't move away from him and looked at him without saying anything. Heeseung realized her presence and he fixed his eyes at her too but he quickly broke it off -

" Just do your work. Don't disturb me today."
Sarang ignored his words.

" I don't like to see you this way."

Heeseung sighed and looked at Sarang again,
" Sarang, please? I'm not in the good mood right now." He said to Sarang softly, didn't dare to hurt her feeling.

" Mind to tell me about it?" Sarang dragged her chair closer to Heeseung and waited for Heeseung to reply to her but he shook his head, continue doing his work. " Take this." Sarang gave him a lollipop -

" I told you I don't like lollipops..."

" You'll like it because of me." She said and chuckled at her own words.

Heeseung sighed again,
" Just go..." He brushed his hair out of his face and ignored Sarang again.

" Do we have a lot of works today?" Sarang asked him causing him to blank. After a minute, Heeseung shook his head, " Not at all."

Sarang smiled,
" Let's fade away from your sadness today."

" What?"

" Let me make you happy again."

Heeseung remained silent.

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