Chapter 52 // The Start Of The End

Comenzar desde el principio

"kill the spare" that same raspy voice from the dreams announced


The thing I had been dreading for months finally happened.

Cedric Diggory was dead

"SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!" I heard someone scream from around me

"bone of the father... unwillingly given" Pettigrew Dropped the bone inside a cauldron "Flesh of the servant... willingly sacrificed" he picked out a dagger and cut off his hand with a screech "Blood of the enemy...  forcibly taken" The rat-man poured some blood from a cut on Potter into the cauldron with the other gory objects "the dark lord shall rise... again!"

A fire erupted from the cauldron, mixing Potters screams of pain and roars of the creature being reborn, when the Creature was fully back to a body, the cauldron was gone and in its place

Lord Voldemort

"Hermione? Hermione, thank merlin your ok" I couldn't feel the cold breeze on my skin or hear the excited whispers around me anymore

"where am I?" I sat up, my head spinning

"just inside the entrance hall doors, you were twitching so much we couldn't get you further inside" twitching? Why was I twitch- Diggory...

"Diggory... he's dead" I muttered, there was nothing left I could do for him anymore


Potter was hiding behind a gravestone, like a coward I would usually say, but when your seemingly only minutes away from death, what would you do? He seemed to have made up his mind and stood up, walking proudly- as proudly as he could to mask his fear toward his worst nightmare

"have it your way... Expelliarmus"


did he- did he really just try to use expelliarmus on Voldemort?

The green and red light collided like a firework, causing sparks to shoot into the air, a golden ring of light had been born in the colors, going further and further toward Potter's wand, when it changed directions and retreated toward Voldemort's wand instead


as the golden circle touched the murderous wand, it created a dome around them, and every few seconds a ghost-like being popped out of said wand, first Diggory then the man from my 'dream' before and then... lily and James potter joined the mix

"Harry when the connection is broken you must get to the portkey we can linger for a moment to give you more time- but only a moment, do you understand?" Father always told me James was one of the most Gryffindor-like students of his time

"harry, take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my father" Harry nodded at Diggory's request

"let go... sweetheart you're ready. Let go, let go!"

the burst of light faded and the Ghost-like people flew toward the one who killed them, giving Potter time to get to Diggory and the cup

"potter... POTTER!"

I ignored three people's confused expressions and questions and sprinted back to the stadium, everyone was laughing and playing music, don't they see that he's dead? Fleur was the first scream I heard before everything slowly quieted down

"POTTER!" I ran toward him and the body "Potter let him go, he's gone" I tried persuading him, he wasn't listening

"He's back... he's back, Voldemort's back, Cedric- he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there, not there" he sobbed, clinging to Diggory's body as if it would slip away any second

"it's alright Harry, it's alright he's home. You both are"

Potter was still sobbing as Dumbledore comforted him and a man's voice screamed "LET ME THROUGH! THAT'S MY SON, THAT'S MY BOY" and more wails and sobs coming from his father

"NO! NO!" the man kept screaming his sobs, even I was slightly crying until I saw Moody make his way with Potter into the castle

"Dumbledore? DUMBLEDORE" he wasn't listening "DUMBLEDORE LISTEN TO ME"

He turned around "yes?! What is it Ms. Zabini?" he looked confused as if I would turn him away from a dead child without a good reason

"Moody isn't Moody, you have to have figured that out by now? Moody is Barty crouch JR when his father figured it out he killed him, you have to stop him! He's got Potter in the castle now"

once he heard enough he rounded up a few teachers and they rushed to the castle, I didn't follow them, my head was hurting too bad,

so bad that I fainted once again

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