chapter thirteen

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Ava walked through the wall palace slowly, not wanting to wake anyone. The boys were sleeping, and she was going to go check on the injured. She held a glass of water and tried not to spill it since her body was shaking. Ava hated going into the room. You could feel the death in the air, and she hated seeing the bloody bandages because it seemed the bleeding never stopped.

Ava didn't expect to see a sleeping Asch on the floor, though. He had his head on Y/n's stomach, holding one of her hands with his and the other was on her thigh. She softly sighed and sat the second glass of water down on the dresser, going to Asch and slightly tapping him on the shoulder. Asch moved slightly, but he didn't wake up. "Asch, wake up.." Ava whispered in a hoarse voice. Asch jumped and looked up, a fireball forming in his hand. Once he saw Ava, it died out and he looked over to the body of Y/n.

"Come on, Asch, you need to go to sleep. Somewhere not here," she said, after clearing her throat. Asch stood up and removed his cape, laying it over Y/n. He gave her a long loss to the forehead and followed Ava out of the room, holding her hand. Both of them were very tired. Ava lead Asch to his room, which was marked with a bright reg flag with a crown on it. Ava took him into his room and made him lay down.

As she was about to walk out, Asch grabbed her and made her lay next to him. "A- Asch? I thought you had a crush on-"

"You need sleep as much as I do, now lay with me, Prisoner," Asch said her nickname softly. He didn't like calling Ava that anymore, but it slipped because he was tired. Ava smiled and rolled over to face Asch, and they both closed their eyes. They began to sleep, and when Asch knew she was unconscious, he slipped his hand into hers for comfort. He was shocked when she squeezed back, but it honestly made them feel a lot better.

But, as expected, they woke to clashing and banging. A worried, and still in his boxers Rhys, opened the door holding his staff. The two who were once sleeping were now awake and alert. "It's Pierce and Y/n. Come quick!" Rhys said to them. The three ran through the palace and to the room they laid in, but instead they weren't laying. The two were floating above their beds, wind rushing throughout the room. The air seemed black and white, and it surrounded them.

"Oh god..." Leif said, barely heard by the others since the wind was so loud. The Daemos knew it must be something disturbing Y/n, this was what her magic looked like. "Someone has to get in there and stop her!"

"We can't! She's too strong!" Rhys called out. Leif tried to step into the room, but he was thrown out by the wind, and he was on the ground, a large black spot forming over his face. Asch recognized what it meant, and he knew he had to get in there. He was the only one that was brave enough and able enough to stop it.

Asch took a step into the room and was thrown into the wall, though he continued walking. He made it to the edge of the Princess's bed and took her hand, holding it between the both of his and heating up his hands. In a matter of a few minutes, both bodies slowly returned to the bed, and Leif, who was in the hallway, slowly turned back into his normal skin color.

Asch released the grip on Y/n's hand and looked at the others. They all stared at him. "How... How did you..?"

"I can tell you somewhere not here.." Asch spoke and pushed past everyone, who looked at each other and then followed him. He took the group into the living room, where the moon was shining bright. They all sat around and looked at Asch.

"I saved her once from herself.." Asch said.

"What do you mean?" Noi questioned, rubbing his eyes.

"I mean she was going to self destruct. Her powers are life and death, correct? That's the only reason Pierce is alive. He's on the verge of life and death, because of her powers. She's completely destroyed the forest before, and I even had complaints saying we should have killed her because she could kill us just as easily.

"She and I are very close. I was honestly kind of jealous when Pierce offered to help her and train her just so she wouldn't die. She's a beautiful woman, I can admit that, but something about her was different. When Pierce came to me with the question of even being able to love her, it broke my heart, but I couldn't say no. Pierce is the best of the best for Y/n. They had fallen in love since the day they met, when we invaded her castle.

"But when something bad, very bad, happened, it triggered her powers. I cannot tell, she made me promise, but it caused her to go into a depression. Her magic is too strong for one person alone to deal with, and as it got worse, she was decaying. She would cover up the death marks she got, which were like the spot that was on Leif's face, but smaller, and in harder to see places.

"But when I found out, I had to stop her. She was close to death, her whole body was decaying, it wasn't pretty. I told Pierce, but even he couldn't get to her. So, it was up to me. No one else really knew her, and I was the closest besides Pierce of course. I helped in ways I cannot describe, and before you think it is anything dirty remember I can have your head, but she made it through.

"And right after that, Pierce came straight to me asking if he could marry her. I knew she was. in good hands from there on."

"But then Tommy..." Noi added.

"Tommy, what about that fucker?" Ava cursed. They all looked at her weirdly for using a curse word, but she just nervously smiled.

"We got her a spirit. Pierce couldn't always be there, and he requested it. Tommy fell in love with her, which we knew, but he stood out of Pierce's way. And then she left, without us knowing. The last thing Pierce remembers is her saying she would come back to bed in the middle of the night." Asch finished. The group stayed quiet, before Asch looked over to the sky brightening.

"Oh, it's a new sun," Rhys said.

"Well, lets try to get a few hours of sleep at least," Ava smiled. On one couch laid Asch, the other Rhys, Leif laid on the floor with Ava and Noi as they used each other for warmth. Rhys was always cold and Asch was always hot, but at least they were comfortable.

Though, the day coming would be much worse than this night.



two more chapters! get ready for the end of the book!

comment below and tell me what you think is going to happen. I don't think any of you will guess.

lol good luck.

- silver
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