chapter one

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Another great day, cuddling under the blankets with Tommy, my cat, watching Netflix and trying not to freeze my ass off. This is the third night my furnace isn't working, and it gets super cold in my apartment at night, even if it is summer right now. I barely got out of bed, if I did I would freeze so bad my hair wouldn't move.

I sighed, I wasn't taking this crap right now. I grabbed my phone and dialed Mrs. Oates. It rang two times before I heard her voice on the other side, "Hello?"

"Hey, Mrs. Oates, it's me. Furnace still broken. Can I stay with you tonight?" I asked while my teeth clattered.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but I have friends over. But I do know a very sweet girl you can stay with, her name is Ava! Let me call her real quick and I'll call back!" Mrs. Oates hung up before I could say anything else. I laughed. She spoke about Ava a lot, but somehow we have only met a couple times. It was strange, she was like a grandmother to us both, yet we had never yet become sisters.

I waited for a few seconds and at the perfect time I guess, the phone rang. I picked up and smiled as she spoke, " Ava said you can stay there until Jake fixes your furnace! She said come over whenever!"

"Thanks Mrs. Oates. Now I wont freeze my ass off!" I laughed. She laughed on the other end and I heard a males voice in the background of the call. Mrs. Oates gasped and I raised an eyebrow.

"I have to go sweetie. Have fun with Ava and those boys of hers!" Mrs. Oates said with a sly chuckle and hung up. I looked at my phone and then Tommy, who meowed. I blinked a few times and then shrugged. Boys? How many? I shrugged to myself once again and slowly got up, running around to get my toiletries and clothes and such.

I grabbed a black crop top and threw on a fuzzy jacket over it, sliding on a pair of black ripped shorts and sliding my socks and shoes on. I told Tommy goodbye and then simply got out of that stupid apartment. Tommy said he would be fine, plus I wouldn't want to bother Ava with a cat. Maybe she's allergic.

I went to her apartment and saw the burned door knob. My stomach got a tight feeling and I slowly raised my fist to know. I knocked too lightly the first few times and then fully knocked. I heard voices on the other side, faint though. Then footsteps towards the door, and a girl, shorter than me by only a few inches, opened the door. "Hi! You must be Y/n!"

I nodded and smiled and she moved to let me in. I slowly walked in and down the small entrance hallway, and I turned to see five boys standing very awkwardly, almost messing with their clothes. It seemed strange, but I simply waited for Ava. She came back and smiled. "This is Pierce, Asch, Noi, Leif, and Rhys. And boys this is Y-"

"I'm Daisy." I interrupted. Ava turned to me and I gave her a simple look and she nodded.

"Yes this is Daisy. She's going to stay here for a few nights while Jake fixes the furnace in her apartment." Ava said. She noticed the awkward tension between all of us and then put her hand on my arm. "You wanna put your things in my room and watch a little American Horror Story?"

My face lit up, "Of course!"

As I walked past the boys, my hand just barely grazed Asch's. I felt his hot skin and my doubts about them simply vanished. Those were my friends, my Prince, and my fiancé, all standing here in Ava's apartment. As I walked into her room, I simply took my engagement ring off and slipped it in my bag. I hadn't checked if the light-blue horned Daemos still had his on, and honestly I didn't want to. I was too scared.

The day passed and I felt myself getting tired, so I excused myself from Ava's room and found the boys no where to be found. I knew they must have used their magic, somehow, somewhere. I sighed and tried to get the nervousness in my stomach to calm down. But it simply wouldn't.

I grabbed my blanket and cuddled up on the couch. My eyes were heavier than I thought they would be, and almost as soon as I closed them I was off to sleep.

Though, a few hours later, I woke to whispering in the living room. I decided to pretend I was still asleep.

"There is something different about her, Rhys."

"I know, my Prince. But she is Princess Ava's friend, we have to keep her."

"We could just kill her," a laugh followed the third voice.

"No." the fourth.

"Why Pierce, got feelings for her too?" the voice that belonged to Leif asked. I didn't hear Pierce respond. He never did talk much..

It was quiet, too quiet. Even though we sat in the same tree, watching over the same person, it was way too quiet up here. I turned to look at the Daemos General next to me. "You don't talk much, do you?" I asked in a whisper. I was not supposed to talk to him out of business, but I couldn't control myself.

His head turned to me and he shook his head no, proving my point. I nodded and turned my focus back to the guy. "But I do have a voice," I heard him whisper. That was the second time I had ever heard him talk. His voice was deep, commanding, it gave me shivers. I gulped and nodded, keeping quiet.

Good thing it was too dark for him to see the slight blush that I had on my face. His voice was... mesmerizing.

I came back from my dream to see bright green eyes staring down at me with a cold knife against my throat. I screamed and jumped up, pushing Leif off of me. They all stared at me and Ava came running. "What the hell happened?" she yelled. We all looked at her and her eyes widened as she stared at my neck. I lifted my hand to my neck and felt a small trickle of blood. I looked over at Leif. I checked my hand and saw the red blood.

I went into the bathroom and looked at it, Thank god it was only a small cut, nothing too bad. Ava came into the bathroom behind me and I sighed. "I'm fine, I just want to go back to sleep."

"It's not fine! Leif tried to kill you! Ugh!" Ava whisper yelled. She shook her head and stormed out. As the cut was not that big, I looked around and healed it with my magic. They may or may not have sensed it, but it was only a tiny cut so no one would notice. I healed it enough to look like it was still slightly open, so they would not think anything of it.

I walked out of the living room and saw Leif disappear into the wall. I acted like I didn't see it and I looked up. Ava came back over to me and led me back to te couch, helping me lay down. "Ava, I'm fine, really," I laughed slightly. I took this option to look over at Pierce's left hand.

He still has it on...


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