chapter three

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"Tommy!" I called out. "I'm heading over to Ava's!"

"Why?" he walked out of the bathroom shirtless. I couldn't help but look at his fit body, but I quickly drew my eyes back up to his.

"Ava needs help with a job interview, I'm going over to help her send the email and make her resume," I explained.

"And him?"

Honestly, it was getting a little annoying. For the past few days, Tommy had been talking about me hanging out with Pierce. I wouldn't even bring him up, Tommy would! It didn't matter much to me, because he probably forgot about me. I look different, I told them my fake name, and how would he notice me without my horns? I just shook my head and walked out the door. I heard Tommy hiss from behind the door and I shook my head once again, heading over to Ava's apartment.

When I got to the door, I heard yelling. I tried knocking, but apparently they didn't hear me. I just decided to open the door and walk in, shutting it behind me. I walked around the corner and saw all of them, horns and weapons out, along with their Daemos clothes. They had Jake up against the wall, screaming at him. Jake looked absolutely terrified.

I dropped my bag and they all looked at me. "Let him go Asch!" I said his name. He quickly pulled away and stopped his fireball. I shook my head and walked over to Jake. He was breathing heavily and I reach out to him. I put my hand on his shoulder, but squeezed his pressure point and he fell to the ground.

"Woah, do you have magic?" Leif asked me.

"No, I just made him pass out by—" I groaned and took Jake's body, dragging him outside the door and shutting and locking it. I walked back over to them and stood with my hands on my hips. "Why were you trying to him him?"

"He seemed dangerous," Rhys replied to me. I put my hand to my facepalmed and sighed.

"He's not dangerous, he's a human like Ava and I. He is the manager of our building," I explained.

"What's a manager?" Asch asked angrily.

"Don't worry about it." I grabbed my bag and walked past them, sitting on the couch after dropping my bag next to me. "Where is Ava?"

"Out." Leif replied. I decided to just stay quiet until I heard a knock on the door, followed by a girls voice. I hopped up and went to let Ava in.

"Why was Jake on the floor, Daisy?!" she screamed, coming in and shutting and locking the door.

"I came in because no one heard my knock, and the boys had their weapons, and mind you, horns out and were threatening Jake. I basically saved him."

Ava looked at the boys with an angry look. "Princess Ava, we—" Rhys tried to speak. He gulped and shut up when Ava started yelling at them. Most of it, to me, was not understandable. All of the boys looked a little surprised that she would get this mad. This little ball of kindness, yelling? Never heard of her.

After Ava calmed down and the Daemos decided to walk into their castle, her and I went into her room and sat down on her bed. She pulled out her laptop and I got my phone. "So, why do you not want them to know your name is actually Y/n?" Ava asked. I inhaled, I knew this was coming sooner or later.

"I just.. I didn't trust them at first. I guess we can tell them, but I just feel more comfortable using Daisy." Lies. Lies, lies, and more lies. I knew them. That's why I didn't want them knowing my name. Princess Y/n of Falancer Castle.

"Princess Y/n of Falancer Castle, my Prince," the tall man introduced me. He had brought me in, since I was still a little shaken up from the previous events. The Prince looked at me, staring at me with an evil look on his face. I couldn't help but look to the blue horned tall man. He glanced down at me and gave me a small nod, looking back up to the Prince.

"She agrees to hand over her crown for your mercy. She will gladly join the army, from the bottom up. I will train her myself and make sure nothing happens to her," the man said again. The Prince sat up with a little grin.

"You care for her, do you?" the Prince asked. The tall one did nothing, he just sat and stared blankly. "Answer me, General Pierce."

"You were the one who wanted to save her, for reasons I still do not know. Therefore I, and she, are willing to put her into the army instead of wasting of her. I mean no disrespect my Prince, but like I said, this was not my idea," the General spoke with no emotion on his face. The other three, standing on the side of the room, seemed shocked. Their eyes and mouths were wide open.

"Damn, Pierce, never thought you had it in you," the green one laughed. Even the Prince had a face of amusement as he sat back in his throne.

"Well, General, if you are so willing about this, take her crown and bring it to me." The Prince challenged him. They all seemed like good friends. So, General Pierced stepped in front of me, his back facing them and blinding me from seeing the others and vise versa.

He reach up to my horns, which my face was now turning a bright red. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, but when I didn't feel his hands touch me, I opened them again. He spoke in a hushed tone, "Prince Asch is usually not like this. I promise he will take care of your crown, and you will receive it back one day. Do not speak of this talk." He then, very carefully not to touch my horns, slipped the crown off.

It felt like it was going in slow motion. I was stripped of my title. I watched him go up and hand it to the Prince. "Well, General, you passed the test. Now do get her changed, and I want you to begin her training today."

"Y/n? Hey I was wondering if I should put in for McDonalds?" Ava asked. I nodded quickly, but I noticed a presence in the room. I turned around to see the white horned Daemos.

"Your name is Y/n?" he asked. I sighed and nodded. "Why did you lie?"

"I didn't trust you at first, but now that I see you are just new to Earth customs, I am okay with sharing my name," I gave a smile to Asch and he looked at me for a few seconds before turning around and walking out.

"That was weird," Ava spoke. I knew why he looked at me that way.

"Yeah, but it's whatever."

When it came time to leave, I left Ava's room and went to the couch to grab my things I had plopped down earlier. But, I could hear talking, behind the wall...

"Pierce, wasn't your wife's name Y/n?" Leif asked.

"Well, maybe you should talk to her," Asch.

"She could quite possibly be the Princess," Rhys.

I heard something cling to the ground and it bounced. "I wish to speak of her no longer." Pierce. He had thrown his ring. And I knew this because it came through the wall. I heard his footsteps walk away, and the others just stand there. I inhaled and took my chance, grabbing his ring and taking it with me.


hey! if you guys are enjoying so far (I sure am, lol, feel like this is better than last time), could you possibly give me a follow and share the book to your other MID fans? I'm trying to get myself back up to where I was, which I know will take a while, but this will help!

if not, just your reads help. so thank you for reading this chapter! have a good day/night.

btw if you're in Texas or any of the other states that were hit with this Ice Storm, I wish you best of luck. my power is out and we have the generator running, but it's still cold as fuck in here. be safe!

- silver
2 . fucking 16 . 21

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