chapter two

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quick a/n - I have a multifandom book if you'd like to go check it out. it would mean a lot!

also - I really dont remember much about the story but I am going to try my very best to do what I did when I first wrote this!


I woke up to a little talking and I immediately sat up. I looked around to see Ava in the kitchen looking at something with Rhys. He had his horns out, I bet they weren't expecting me to wake up. I yawned and acted like I never saw Rhys's horns. I felt his magic come in use and I looked over at the two. "Hey sleepy head! Would you like some cereal?"

I shook my head and got up. The other Daemos were no where to be seen, probably in the castle that was built into the wall. How did I figure this out? Well, Leif walked through the wall. And my Prince—I mean Asch—would never go a night without a castle bed and throne. But it was a little confusing on how they even got it there. It takes a strong magic to do it, and Rhys was the only one who really knew how to do something like that. He always worked with Lady Grandma.

I walked over to Ava and Rhys. They were looking at a cookbook. "Learning to cook once in your life Ava?" I laughed. "Mrs. Oates tells me a lot about you, so that's how I know."

"Well, I do know how to cook a little. But Rhys here wants to cook more often, so we're looking at recipes and figuring out what groceries we need to get," Ava explained.

"I can go to the store with you. I need to pick up some cat food anyways." That was a lie. I didn't feed Tommy cat food! He's part human, why on Daemos would I treat him horribly.

Ava gasped, "You have a kitty too! Johnny baby, come here!" I looked in the direction Ava was looking and saw a beautiful black and white cat. She picked him up and I reach out to hold my hand to him. He sniffed it for a moment and then rubbed his head on my hand.

"You have something for cats too? Pierce does as well," Ava said and handed Johnny over to me. His name to my ears was like a stab in the heart, but I had to act like it was nothing. I remembered my ring I had taken off. I needed to put it back on, it was the one thing I cared most about on Earth and Daemos. Sure, Tommy was important to me, but the ring I was given by my lover means so much more.

Ava walked into her bedroom for something and she came back, holding somethig. "Hey, I think this fell out of your bag." She handed me the engagement ring, and by this time I hadn't noted Pierce and Leif standing there watching us. My eyes widened slightly but I smiled.

"Thank you," I said and slipped it on my right ring finger, even though there was a tan line on my left. I didn't want them to know.

"It looks like an engagement ring. Are you sure it goes on your right hand?" I knew she was joking. I knew I should laugh. I should act like it's all okay. But I just stood there and looked at her. The smile on her face slowly disintegrated and she looked down. "Sorry if it's a bad story."

"No, no, Ava. You didn't do anything wrong. It just reminded me of someone in my past. But it's not an engagement ring, it's merely a promise ring. My old friend gave it to me a long time ago, and since then I've got it fitted to fit me now. He sadly had to move away, and we haven't spoke in forever. I hope he still has his though." I said. Pierce was now next to Ava and I, petting Johnny who was in my arms.

"Oh, wow." Ava said with a smile. She went back to talking to Rhys, but I watched Pierce pet Johnny. I saw the band on his left hand and it broke me a little bit. Since I had left, I had changed my appearance. Of course I now wear human clothes. My beautiful blonde hair changed to (hair color). My eyes were the same, but I started wearing makeup. I needed to cover up who I was to even feel like I loved myself like I did before.

Earth // Pierce x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora