chapter five

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hiii, welcome back. so I was scrolling through my old drawings and I found one I had done for this book, so I'm going to post it above. I made some changes to where she came from since it originally said Daemos, but oh well. hope you're enjoying so far!


I probably shouldn't be up roaming around, but I couldn't find it. Ava and the others were watching me, almost looking as confused as I was. I checked my bag, the surrounding area, the couch, my pockets, even my mouth. I couldn't find it. I looked to Ava with my hands on my head. "What did you lose, Y/n?" His ring. His ring! I lost his ring.

"I- it's nothing, just something very small and very important to me," I sighed and sat back on the couch.

"We will try to find it," Ava said and rubbed my back. Even if she didn't know what it was, she was still worried about me.

"Y/n, can I talk to you for a moment? Now." Asch said and walked through the wall. I slowly followed him. We walked into the castle. I looked around, it looked so good. I have no clue if this is what Daemos looked like, but it was beautiful. He lead me into the throne room, and he took his seat. I stood in front of him, suddenly feeling very nervous.

"Why did you take it?" he asked, looking at me dead on. I was confused. I didn't take anything.

"I haven't taken anything," I said, confidence ringing throughout my tone. But Asch was starting to remind me of being on Daemos.

"Yes you have, now don't lie to me!" he banged his fist on the arm of the throne, lighting his fist on fire. My whole body went numb and all I could do was take a knee. I felt the room turn into a ball of confusion, instead of anger.

"I'm so sorry, my Prince," my body made me say. His voice, his strong voice reminded me of his father. I would often hear them yelling to each other, as I was left alone on the first floor to clean many times. I could feel my body shaking. I hadn't been ordered in so long that my flight or fight instinct kicked in and turned to flight.

"You're really her, then.." Asch spoke. I nodded and looked up at him. "You may stand." I followed his order and stood straight. I looked at him and gulped.

"Asch, you can't tell him. Do you know how long it's been since he's seen me?" I whimpered.

"I wasn't planning on telling him, and I was going to make sure you didn't either." He spoke in a low tone. My eyes watered, but I held it back.

"Why didn't you come back?" Asch asked, his voice cracking at the end. Asch was emotional, something I have never seen.

"I got stuck here. I couldn't get back. One day I lost contact with Lady Grandma..."

I paced in the bathroom. I didn't know what to do. The necklace wasn't working. I couldn't get through to Lady Grandma, and I was freaking out. Tommy sat in the bathroom with me. I looked down at him and he just simply meowed. I shook my head and looked in the mirror.

"Are you okay dear? You've been in there for a while," Mrs. Oates, the nice old lady who took me in, came to the door and said. I inhaled and exhaled, trying not to sound panicked.

"Yes, Mrs. Oates, I am okay," I said with a smile on my face. There was a long silence and then she walked away. I looked back in the mirror, and I couldn't hold back my tears. I had been trying for the past two suns to get ahole of Lady Grandma, and nothing was working.

I was stuck. I didn't know the spell to get me back to Daemos. I got as much information to her as I could, but what happened. Did the King find out? Maybe the Prince? Did Pierce attack her for making me leave? No, he didn't even know I left..

I put my back against the door and slid down it. I sobbed quietly, bringing my knees to my chest. Tommy came over and sat next to me, purring against my leg. If I couldn't get back to Daemos, that means I couldn't get married. That means I would never see Pierce again. It means that I have to become a human to hide myself. It means I have to die here...

"And you never tried from that day on?" I shook my head. I had managed to only slip a few tears out, but I knew if I opened my mouth to speak I would start sobbing. Asch and I sat in silence, until he stood up and walked over to me. He looked at me for a hot second and then wrapped his arms around me. As he did this, the tears came rolling down. I wrapped my arms around him and we embraced.

"I've missed you, Y/n. We all have..."


sorry it's short, just wanted to publish something, even if it's a filler chapter.

- silver
2 . 18 . 21

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