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It's been exactly three years, seven months, and twenty-eight days since I left Daemos. Do I wish I could go back? Yes, of course. I miss my life back on Daemos. My fiance, my friends, and the food. Human food is very different, but no one can beat the Daemos Chef's meals. He always made sure I had the absolute best.

Of course, it has been a while. Three years, seven months, and twenty-eight days exactly. I was always good with numbers, it was my strong suit. I have been living in an apartment with my elderly best friend, Mrs. Oates, and my spirit cat, Tommy. Mrs. Oates reminds me of Lady Grandma, which is why I mainly accepted her help.

All that time ago, I was sent to Earth to search and gather data for Lady Grandma. No one knew I left, I was supposed to be back in only a couple of Daemos hours, which we soon found out were much shorter than Earth Hours, so I had at least a day on Earth, which was plenty enough.

But as all good things come to an end, something happened to Lady Grandma when doing the spell to bring me back. Maybe she was too old, or maybe the Daemos guard's power was too little, but I was not able to come back. So now I am resided on Earth, in an apartment building, right above Mrs. Oates.

When she found me upset, I did not trust her at first. But slowly she showed me how to live my life. She always thought my horns were for comfort, so she never touched them or asked about them much. I told her some stories, those of my fiancé back at home, and those of me being a princess. She always thought I meant in my imagination, but little did she know I was talking about in a whole other dimension.

She helped me learn to read, write, cook, clean, and overall take care of myself because I could not use magic on this Earth. I learned the essentials, and I soon moved into an apartment being paid out by Mrs. Oats, right above her so if I ever needed anything I just had to find her right below me. She thought I might forget where she lives but there was no way I could, I can practically smell her old lady perfume all the way up here.

But I liked staying in the apartment. I wish she would let me ay some, since I had a small job, but she insisted I don't spend a penny on her or this apartment. She even bought all of my new furniture. I owed her big time.

And talking about the apartment, it wasn't till one day that my furnace broke that my life would slowly start going back to normal. Well, I didn't even know what normal was.. But, the more I think about it.. It was never normal in the first place.

And it started one day I needed to stay at a girls apartment for a few nights, her name was Ava, and she had some special guests.


hi guys! I hope you're excited!

I got an ipad case that had a keyboard connected to it so now I can type a lot better (pfft not at all)

I have a little bit of info before the actual story begings so PLEASE DO NOT SKIP THIS!!

the changes I am making since the original book:

- she has been on earth for way longer
- she does not know lady grandma is okay
- mainly everyone forgot her, even pierce. he moved on, well tried to. but he still wears his ring
- I am changing her powers. I know yall might love her electricity powers, but I am going to make her a little more flexible for my writing. y/n now has life and death powers. she can make anything come to life or anything die. she also has telekinesis, which is a lot simpler so she barely uses her other powers

sorry for changing that but I needed to. the story will still be similar, I promise.

so for now, cya guys later

(chapter one is coming out today!)

~ silver (name change)
12 . 26 . 20

Earth // Pierce x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now