chapter eight

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WARNING: this gets a little worse. it gets very descriptive of gore, and if you do not like that, please DO NOT read this chapter. if you can't handle that, don't look at the end of this chapter either, I'm posting a piece of art I made a while ago for the book. I just got the motivation to write right now, so here goes.

WARNING: blood, gore, descriptive gore, a few POV changes


It was another day, Tommy was making breakfast. Y/n hadn't gotten out of bed, and she hadn't told him why either. He shrugged it off, thinking it was maybe something else (besides the Daemos), but he was very wrong. Maybe she had gotten sick and she wasn't showing it? Maybe she just had a really bad flashback.

But one thing that might just make her worse, was she had gotten fired. Tommy kept this from her. It had been three full weeks, heading on four, and she didn't do anything. She barely got on her phone, barely even sat up. Tommy would sit there and force feed and drink her. The only times she made herself get up was to go to the bathroom, because she didn't want to be soaked in her own piss. But she could take hours in the bathroom. There was no door handle now, because Tommy had to rip it off to get in there to her. She would either be zoning out, or asleep, or she had moved to the shower and was asleep in the bathtub.

Even when she wasn't tired, she would lay down and just stare at nothing. And today was the day Tommy got upset. He almost yelled at her, but he kept his cool and fed her breakfast, and then went to take a shower. Y/n did nothing. He took a cold shower, having to rinse off the anger from inside of him, and when he got dressed, he came out.

"I'm going to Mrs. Oates' house. I'll be back in a bit," Tommy said, without emotion, and he left. Y/n watched his footsteps, and they didn't go towards the elevator—they went to the stairs. Tommy always took the elevator, unless he was upset and/or about to do something bad.


I watched his footsteps take a different turn than they normally did. He was heading for the stairs, not the elevator. It made me curious, for this was the first time he had used the stairs since I had been in bed. So I got up, slipped on some gym shoes and a hoodie, which I already had leggings on, and I snuck out the door, without making a noise.

I followed the shadow of my Spirit, watching him walk up one flight of stairs and straight to Ava's door. This wasn't good, he was going to confront her about what happened when I left. I hid behind the stairs as I could see and hear what he was doing. Tommy knocked on the door and after a few moments, Asch opened it. He invited him in, without saying a word. I quickly ran to the door and snuck in.

But it didn't look like Asch let him in, Asch was pushed somewhere. Ava didn't seem to be home, because she would have answered the door. She needs to teach them not to open the door to strangers, jeez. I followed until everyone disappeared into the wall. I got as close as I could, and someone merged myself into the door. I was standing in the middle of magic, which gave me a headache, but I needed to see without being seen.

"Pierce!" Tommy yelled. The five Daemos turned around with their weapons out, or in Asch's case holding a fire ball, and faced him.

"Who are you?!" Leif yelled, but Pierce held his hand up and the others looked at him.

"He's a friend, put away your weapons," he said.

"A friend?" Noi asked. All Pierce did was nod and put his weapon back in the holster. The rest followed, and Pierce walked over to Tommy, and the other four took a few steps forward.

"What would you like?" Pierce asked. I could hear slight anger in his voice, but as normal, he kept it in, bottling it up so he wouldn't explode.

"You hurt her," Tommy said. Oh no... "You hurt her!" Slap, "You hurt her!" Slap. I watched as Pierce took the hits and the other four watched him. Pierce didn't move an inch.

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