chapter four

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in this chapter I say "courted" which im using as marriage in this since that's what I believe it is. I'm using "mated" for having sex since thats the best way I think they would say it. "caress" is kiss on Daemos. :)

f/c - favorite color


As I sat, typing on my computer, I kept thinking about my ring. This even caused me to have to stop my work for a few seconds, take a deep breath, and return. I worked from home because normally I wasn't good around people. I worked for a business who created people's websites when someone ordered one. I was a bit of an artist when it came to this. Since people could tip after they found their website, I usually got a few good tips. The tips went straight to me, we got to keep them.

I was currently designing a website for a mother. She wanted to have somewhere to blog, but to also post pictures of her beautiful children. She gave us a few photos to mess around with, and she had an older boy and a newborn girl. They were both very pretty. I believe the mother is around my age, in human years that is.

I had thought about children, but I would never have them until I was courted with Pierce. I guess I had never brought it up to Pierce. I assumed he wouldn't want to lose his position by having to take off for me, or maybe he wouldn't want them because he didn't love me that much to have my children. Pierce and I had never mated, at all. We had intimate moments, but it never got that far, since many never mate until after being courted.

I smiled thinking about this, and I jus kept working on the website. Thinking of children with Pierce made me happy, until I remembered someone else. Tommy walked in the room, a face full of anger. I looked up at him and he was holding up the ring I brought home. My face turned from happiness, and my fingered stopped coding. "Where did you get this?"

"Tommy I can explain—"

"No you cant, Y/n! I don't trust you anymore! First you don't tell me the Daemos are on Earth, second you don't tell me you're going to start hanging out with them, and now you have his ring? I simply knocked over your makeup bag and it was in there. I can't believe you." My face was utter shock. I knew Tommy was angry with me, obviously. But I... I liked him. I wouldn't go back would Pierce... Yeah..

All of a sudden, Tommy threw the ring on the floor and he lunged at me. I used my powers just in time to send him flying through the house. I had dropped my computer in the process, braking the damn thing. Before Tommy hit anything, he turned into his spirit form and landed on all fours. I was breathing heavily, and I almost started crying. I shook my head and got up. "I— I have to go. And buy a new damn computer.." this was true.

I grabbed my phone and the ring, my makeupbag, wallet, and keys. I shoved them into a larger purse and slipped my shoes on. Tommy simply watched me leave. Once I got out the door, I stood there for a moment. I gulped and didn't know what to do. Should I go to Ava and make Tommy even more mad? I had thrown him across the room though.

I reach up to grab my hair, but what I felt were my horns. I was freaking out, of course they would come out. I hadn't seen them in forever. They were long, beautiful horns. They were simple horns, they branched out from behind my ear and came towards the front of my face. They were a beautiful f/c, starting out dark at the base and fading to it's lighter shades.

I decided to run down to Ava's apartment. Before I started repeatedly knocking on the door, I put my horns away. I heard commotion in the apartment, but my knocking didn't stop. As soon as I heard the door knob, I relaxed slightly. But I couldn't help it, I was having a panic attack. I was met with Ava and Asch. Ava's eyes widened. "Y/n! What happened?"

"Panic attack.." I managed to say. I was frozen in my body.

"Asch help me get her to the couch," Ava spoke to the man standing next to her. My vision was blurry, but I felt Asch take my arm and help Ava lead me to the living room. As we turned the corner, I saw the other four turn to us.

"Princess Ava, what's happening to Y/n?" Noi questioned.

"She's having a panic attack," Ava said.

"What is this panic attack?" Rhys asked.

"Something has caused her to freak out. Usually when you have one of these, your vision and hearing goes blurry and you can't control your breathing," Ava explained. I laid on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. I saw Ava come into view, and then soon everyone was hovering over me. "Hey Y/n, what happened hon?"

I couldn't tell them. They would find out. I shook my head, not wanting or being able to talk. "Pierce, do your calming thing," Asch ordered. Pierce took a knee and started rubbing/patting my head. He went to patting my head fully and I felt myself calm down. I let my eyes close so I couldn't see the spinning room.

I sat cuddled with Pierce on his bed. We were both in unofficial clothing, sitting together and listening to the fire crackling. He was playing with my hair and I was just sitting in his lap, making sure we were both covered by the blanket. There were no phones or TVs on Daemos, nothing much to do besides study or practice magic, or of course spend time with each other, like Pierce and I.

"You're so warm," Pierce told me. I snuggled into him further and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled and laid my head back on his shoulder. He looked at me and placed a caress to my cheek. I giggled slightly. As we lay like this for a few more minutes, I let out a yawn.

"Are you sleepy?" he asked me. I nodded and lifted my head. He held his hand up to my head and motioned me to lay it on his chest. I obliged and laid my head where he told. His large hand then started patting my head. This odd motion made me really sleepy for some reason. It relaxed my whole body and made my eyes able to shut. I smile and got comfortable, Pierce continuing to pat my head.

"I love you.." I whispered, about to fall asleep.

"I love you too, my Princess."


- silver
2 . 17 . 21

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