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She grabbed the prescription bottle, downing several. She was in the bathroom, locked in there. As she continued popping the pills in, she felt herself getting more light headed.
The last thing she saw before she passed out was her eyes rolling back and the bathroom tile being pressed against her cheek.

Corpse had realized that she had been quiet for awhile. He had heard a smash, but just assumed it was because she was angry an hour ago.
The only thing on his mind was her. He hadn't meant to yell at her or to scream in her face.
So he went to the bathroom, knocking gently.
"Nemesis? Phoebe?" He asked. There was no response so he waited.
He slid down the door, talking.
"Phoebe, you're in there. And I love you, I love you so much and I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell, I didn't meant to shout. I just- I'm so scared that if I die, I'm leaving you alone in this hell hole. Without me. We both know that we love each other, we would do anything for each other.
So please, open this door. Open the door, phoebe so I know you're okay."
There was still no response and corpse got worried.
He got so worried, he continuously knocked on the door.
"Phoebe, I have no fucking clue if you're okay right now. Step away from the door or open it." He warned. After a few minutes, she hadn't so he kicked it down.
What he saw, hurt him physically and mentally and just fucked him over.
He rushed down in the ground, clutching the small girl in his arms.
"Phoebe, what did you do? Phoebe, god fuc-" he stuttered. The tears were already rolling down his face. Her mouth had foamed, her eyes were closed, her face looked as if they were stained with tears. Her hands were bloody and bruised.
And he sobbed. He sobbed for hours, blaming himself for her death. He had been the one to yell. He had been the one to make her go into the bathroom. Where she took the pills, where she overdosed.
So he did what he thought he had to. He grabbed her body, settling it near the main room, he grabbed a knife and did what he did.
He needed to punish himself, but most of all he wanted to be reunited with her.
So he used that knife, to stab it through his chest and it hurt. It hurt bad, but he didn't care. The only thing he felt was the longing to be with Phoebe. Again, he stabbed himself.
He pulled the knife out, feeling the blood flow out of him.
He wrapped his arms around the girl one final time and whispered the words, "I love you and I'm so sorry." Before closing his eyes one final time.

"I didn't mean to die or to make you die." The girls ghostly voice said.
"I know, but I couldn't live in a world without you. I don't want to live in a world without you, so I took myself out of the world." He honestly answered, his own voice being ghostly.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

The story has one more chapter left. So stay tuned for that.

sorry - corpse husbandWhere stories live. Discover now