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And just like that, a few weeks had gone by and they couldn't be happier.
Nemesis and corpse were both streaming regularly, corpse streaming in his streaming room while nemesis had taken up a corner of their bedroom, with her streaming supplies.
They had a good streaming system going on. Majority of the time, neither streamed at the same time. They took turns or just right after each other. It was easier on their WiFi even though that wasn't the main reason. The main reason was because in case anything went wrong, it would be easier for the other to run over and help out with whatever.

One night at Four AM they were playing phasmophobia with Karl and Tina.
"Please!!! No, no, no! No! Get the god damn Jesus. We need fucking Je-" she was cut off by the ghost killing her.
"God fucking damn it." She sighed to her stream. From behind her, a pair of arms wrapped around her.
"Hello baby." The voice grumbled. She smiled, turning her neck to face him.
"Hey." She replied.
"Did you die. Awwww." He teased.
"Oh fuck off, should've brought the Jesus." She laughed.
"Jesus- there's no room for Jesus right now." He teased the chat.
"Stoppp, you're making my chat go into horny fucker mode." She chuckled. Corpse wheezed at that, giving her a kiss before heading back to his streaming room.
"And that  chat, is why we need to be in separate rooms when we stream or this little fuck will just come into our room and do this shit." She laughed. She hadn't even realized what she said until it slipped out.

Our room???
They're living together???

"Shit, well it's out there." She shrugged off. They continued playing the game for another two hours until Tina got tired. Corpse, Nemesis and Karl however, being used to no sleep decided to play other games. As in other games that meant nemesis ended stream, raiding Karl who continued to stream while she made her way to corpse lap. There they played chess, more like nemesis played chess while Karl and corpse talked with her chiming in every few bits.
"Checkmate." She smirked.
"It's like eight in the morning for me, calm down Nemesis." Karl chuckled.
"Right, it's five here. We just don't sleep, do we?" The girl asked.
"Not at all." The two boys said in sync.
They continued to play random games like slitherio, chess, checkers, 8 ball, etc for another few hours before she fell asleep on corpse.
"Alright Karl, I'm gonna head off because nemesis has fallen asleep on me and I would rather her get to a bed." The deep voiced boy smiled.
"Alright, bye corpse!" The cheery boy said enthusiastically.
"Bye Karl." He said, leaving the call. He picked up the girl, lifting her up by sliding his hands under her thighs and carrying her to their bed. He lightly placed her on her side of the bed and covered her with the duvet cover before climbing in himself. He wrapped his arms around her waist and fell asleep himself.

She woke up later that day, around three in the afternoon. Corpse laid next to her, asleep as well.
Anyone could see the two were made for each other. They were both faceless, private, sarcastic, charming. You say something, they most likely had the same opinion.
She had helped him through hard times and he. Well he was her light. He saved her all those months ago when they first met.
They were the reason the other kept going and they didn't plan on leaving each other anytime soon.
Not for a very long time or so they thought.

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