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"When are you going to tell him?" My mom asked,
I'm not that close with my mom but close enough to tell her stuff I probably would never tell my sperm donor.
"I dunno" I said shrugging
"Well you have to tell him soon, Everest" she said
"Okay I will" I said groaning.
My mom was about to say something but the doorbell ringing stopped her,
"Coming!" I called towards the door and left our kitchen.
"Hell-o?" I asked
"Hey Everest" Madison greeted me,
I don't know why but I really had to restrain the urge to shut the door in front her face.
"What are you doing her?" I hissed, stepping out and closing the door behind me
"Why are you still with her" Madison asked me,
I can't tell if she's upset or hurt - probably both
"Do you mean with her my mom?" I tried to play stupid
"You know who, Everest" she growled
"Mckenzie?" I asked raising my brow at her
"I don't remember you being so stupid" she said looking at me
Lmao she believed me?
"I mean Venus" she added
"Ohhhhh" I said placing a finger on my chin
"Yea her... look Madison - I can't break up with her" I said scratching my neck
"You said you would!" She yelled
"Shhh shhh please don't start yelling!" I hissed at her
"You will regret this, Everest" she said lowly
"Madison I already told you - I'm still there for you, just not as your boyfriend" I tried to explain
"Okay" Madison said after a while
"It's pretty late - you should better go home now" I said trying not to sound to harsh
"Can I at least get one last hug" she asked stepping closer to me
"Uhhhh I don't think-" I started but got cut off by Madison arms around my waist.
I didn't wanted to hug her but yea...
"Okay you can let go now" I said patting her back gently, but Madison wouldn't budge
"Madi-" again I got cut off by Madison but this time because her lips were on mine.
I quickly pushed her away from - causing her to stumble back
"What the fuck" I called wiping my mouth
"I love you Everest - y-you're all I have" Madison said wiping her fallen tears
"You... *sigh* You should go now" I said calmly and went back inside.

"Well that clearly wasn't Venus" my mom said sipping on her tea
"God damnit mom" I breathed out placing a hand over my chest
"How do you even know her name? I never told you that" I asked raising my brow at her
"Kenzie told me" my mom said sipping on her tea
"You know, your father thinks you broke up with Madison to show him that he can't control you anymore. Is that true?" My mom asked
I groaned
"No mom. I broke up with her because I never really liked her maybe as a close friend but that's it! Why should I stay with Madison - when I can be with the one I actually love" I explained to my mom who watched me with wide eyes.
Her shocked face quickly went into a amused one, "you love Venus?" She asked
"I-I" I stuttered feeling the the hotness in my cheeks and ears
"Mom I don't want to talk about my feelings right now" I mumbled before rushing up the stairs.

"My parents really want to meet you" Everest said.
Me and Everest where just enjoying our free period; you know - talking and stuff.
"Okay" I responded
"Okay in you also want to meet them or okay in I don't care" he asked
"Uhm" I don't want to but "-okay in I also want to meet them" I said shyly
"When exactly do you want me to meet your parents?" I asked after a comfortable silence
"I dunno, gonna ask my mom first. But don't worry I'm going to inform you early enough" Everest said
"Alright" I said giving him a quick peck on his cheek
"You got plans for tonight?" He asked after a short while
"Kind of. Me and Kate wanted to visit this new waffle shop together but she didn't really said yes or no. I think she's hiding something from me" I said picking at my nails
"Just because she didn't give you a clear answer doesn't mean she's hiding something" Everest said chuckling
"Yes she is, she's been acting strange lately" I said
"Anyways are you nervous because of the game this Friday?" I asked him,
"Hmmm not really" he said looking away
"You can be honest with me, Everest" I said placing my hand on his thigh
"Okay maybe I am really nervous but I can handle it" he said before placing his hand over mine
"I know there's something else bothering you"
I stated, slightly admiring his side profile
"Nooo. What makes you think that?" He asked
"I dunno - you're just acting kinda weird" I mumbled
"Weird?" He repeated
"Yes, weird. You just seem off and you're always lost in your thoughts" I admitted
"Well there's a lot going on in my mind right now but nothing to worry about. Okay?" He said and gave me a chaste kiss on my lips.


"I'm home" I yelled as I entered into our quiet house
"Good That You're here now. Could you please get me these things from the grocery store" my mom said handing me the shopping list,
I seriously don't understand why my parents always want me to get the groceries. I don't even have a car?!
"Alright" I said tiredly
"Oh and Venus" my mom called for me
"Yea?" I asked turning back around to her
"It's not that we are allowing you to date Everest because he's white and rich. Your father and I are allowing you to date him because it's your choice and I've also noticed that you seem to be more comfortable and happy since you're with him." My mother confessed.
I was actually quite surprised by her words since that actually kind of warmed my heart.
"Thanks mom" I said and left my backpack in our hallway and went out to the grocery store.

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