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2 Days and 1 Night 'til Friday

"Aye wassup, Vee" Everest says while putting his arm over my shoulders
He almost spilled the food on my plate with that action
"First of all it's Venus, okay? V-E-N-U-S
Venus" I said annoyed
"And secondly do not touch me" I went on while trying to get out of his hold
People where staring at us - they literally never mind their own business! Ugh!
"Mhm feisty today, aren't we?" He said smiling mischievously
I looked at his stupid face "I'm quite sure your Girlfriend, right over there doesn't like how close you are to me
So back off" I said walking next to him in our cafeteria
"Madison? nahh she's fine. Anyways you wanna sit with us today?" He asked with a glint of hope in his eyes
I stopped walking Is he nuts?
"Is that a ye-" he started but I cut him of before he could finish his sentence
"No" I said bored and kept walking
He was still standing in the middle of our cafeteria and called out "Why not?"
"Because" I shouted uninterested only turning halfway to him
His hands fell limp to his sides and he shakes his head smirking

Finally arriving on my usual spot, Kate and Ian asked me at the same time why I was "hugging" Everest
"I wasn't hugging him
He just put his arm over my shoulders" I said annoyed
"So we lying to each other now?" Kate said removing fake tears
"Well it looked like hug but I don't care about that why was he talking to you?" Ian asked shutting his phone - giving me his attention
"Ugh it was just nonsense, he asked me if I wanted to sit with him for lunch" Kate chocked on her Water and spilled it on the noodles in front of her - I patted her back gently
"Let me guess: you said no" Ian stated rather knowingly
"Of course. I wouldn't even have to think about it" I said rubbing Kates back now
"Venus! Are you completely out of your mind?! why would you say no?!!" Kate shrieked still coughing
I stopped rubbing her back
"Why are you upset? You want me to be gone or what?" I said chuckling and giving her my plate of food. Since she can't eat her own anymore
And I lost my appetite anyways
"Thank you. But you could've called us over so you wouldn't be there all by yourself. And I could get closer to Everest" she said dreamingly and looking in Everest's direction
"Good Thinge you didn't" Ian said going back to his phone
"I agree" I said drinking some of my apple juice
"You both are so dumb" Kate said annoyed and aggressively stabbing the noodles on the plate
"You can cry about this later, you dumbass" I said snickering

"You are dismissed for today" Mrs Brighton said allowing us to leave her class
I quickly packed my stuff in my bag and was about to leave the classroom when Mrs Brighton asked me to stay a little longer
"Is there a problem Mrs Brighton?" I asked passionless
"No not at all, I just wanted to ask you since you are also already in a group with Everest if it's possible to help him bring his grades back up. I noticed how his grades are dropping and if that continues he will probably fail this class." Mrs Brighton started
"You can do it privately or here at our school library - you know the times when it opens and closes. Could you do that?" Mrs Brighton went on and asked looking up from her papers

Fucking unbelievable

"Of course I can do Mrs Brighton" I said no emotions showing
"Great, Thank you Venus. Have a nice day" Mrs Brighton smiled at me

Bitch you already ruined my day

"You too Mrs Brighton" and with that I left the classroom

"I guess we will be spending more time together from now on"
I looked to my left and saw Everest leaning against the wall
I rolled my Eyes at him
"What are you doing here?" I asked him confused
"I forgot to hand them Mrs Brighton" He said showing me the papers in his hand
"Okay?" I said turning around
"Venus! Wait!" He called
I turned around "Ugh what now?!" I asked annoyed
"See you tomorrow" he said smiling

Freaking jerk

I just left without saying another word to him
This guy drives me insane!

Welp guys here we are I hope u liked it hehe
Stay tuned <3

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