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"Oh my- Aiden I'm so sorry you had to wait that long" I greeted Aiden out of breath since I was running here - taking the bus would've taken to much time, I couldn't let Aiden wait another 20 minutes

"Oh no it's okay, I kinda had a feeling that you would take your time" Aiden said chuckling a little

We small talked for a little and ordered us some coffee
I ordered myself a normal bitter and black coffee meanwhile Aiden decided to order one of these Instagram Starbucks coffees people post on their stories or whatever

We were about to leave the shop when two girls our age approached us or more likely Aiden
"Uhm hey" one of the blondes greeted, her hair was more like ash blonde meanwhile the other girls hair was a real light brown or dark blonde I don't know.
"Hey?" Aiden greeted back confused
"My friend thinks you're really cute and wanted your number" the ash blonde said confidently - completely ignoring me.
It's not like I care tho
"Uhm... I have a girlfriend" Aiden said quickly placing his hand around my waist
"Oh" they both said eyeing me
"Well if you get tired of her-" the ash blonde continued but Aiden cut her off before she could even finish her sentence
"I won't and even if, I would never drop that low and go with one of you two bimbos, I don't know who gave you all that nasty ass confidence to keep talking to me after I told you that I have a girlfriend but I don't give a fuck about you nasty hoes. I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but by the looks of you two you better step away with your std's and crusty looks" Aiden spat at them.
Both looked embarrassed around since some of the other people were looking now at us and were agreeing with Aiden.
"Let's go babe" Aiden said still holding onto my waist and guiding me out

As soon we left Aiden and me bursted into laughters making fun of the expressions these girls made.
"And-and how they looked at each other" I said still laughing.

After our laughters quiet down we walked around the city and stopped at the park, resting on a nearby bench.
"Kind of like old times" Aiden said leaning back and closing his eyes and I agreed with him
"Yes kind of." I said smiling "but not quite, you had blonde hair back then" I said chuckling
Aiden opened his eyes a little
"Yes you're right"
"You looked more like a sunshine with blonde hair" I said studying his now black brown hair
"Really?" He asked "you want me to go back to blonde?" Aiden asked again
I shrugged "don't ask me. It's your hair, your choice"
He nodded "alright, whatever you say".

"I'm sorry" Aiden said out of nowhere.
I looked confused up to him
"Why? You didn't do anything" I stated, but Aiden shook his head
"Yes I did. I left you. I left you there knowing you needed me" he said sadly
I know what he was talking about
"Aiden it wasn't your fault. You had no choice"
I tried to assure him by taking his hand in mine
"I felt so guilty since the day I left. I thought I would never see you again to explain myself" Aiden continued,
"And I never had the chance to tell you how I truly felt about you... and maybe still do" Aiden said mumbling the last words but I still heard them
"Aiden..." I started but he cut me off
"I know you moved on and you probably already know what I mean... but it's okay I understand" he smiled to himself
He removed his hand from mine and I didn't knew what to say
"I just wanted you to know so I can live in peace and... also move on" Aiden said
I opened my mouth to say something but he stopped me again from talking
"Please don't tell me we can stay friends. I couldn't handle it maybe you could but I know I can't" Aiden said keeping his gaze forward
I looked at his side face
"So this is our goodbye?" I asked already knowing the answer
"We will obviously still see each other at school and so on but yes this our goodbye" he said moving his gaze to me.
He was smiling but a little tear escaped his left eye before he quickly brushed it away.
"Goodbye Venus Hamilton. It was a pleasure to meet, get to know and spend precious time with you" Aiden said before getting up and leaving me alone on the park bench
That was it.
But something felt wrong about this
Because it is, my dear double
She whispered in my ear
I quickly got up and went back home

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