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I was home alone and covered every mirror up we had in this house
I tried to distract myself since my family went visiting other family members and I didn't felt like coming with them since I had school in a few days unless my siblings whose thanksgiving holiday were longer than mine weird I know

To my luck it was raining really bad right now which made everything much more creepy than it already was
I was preparing myself some sandwich but I freezed when I heard someone ring our doorbell at... almost 1 in the morning

I slowly walked towards our dark hallway and stared at the door
Then someone knocked on our door and I jumped
The light switch was next to the door
So I ran into our dark and creepy hallway to switch on the light
I went on my tip toes and peeked trough the hole on the door
But what shocked me the most was that it was a shaking and drenched in rain water Everest in front of my door

I quickly unlocked and opened the door
"Everest? What are you doing here?" I asked truly surprised
"Wait no come inside first" I said ushering him inside
He was still shaking and wet
He was taking his shoes off before I lead him into my bedroom and handed him a towel
"Thanks" He said almost whispering
Meanwhile he dried himself up I got him some of my dads clothes since Vincent's clothes obviously wouldn't fit him
But don't worry these were a white T-shirt and some checkered joggers
"Thanks" he said again
And then he started undressing himself in front of me
"Woah wait" I shrieked
He stopped opening his belt
"What?" He asked confused
"You-you can't just undress in front of me!" I said crossing my arms
"Why?" He asked puzzled "it's not like you have never seen me in underwear" he added chuckling slightly and removed his drenched hoodie from his now semi wet body
He stopped shaking by now
I tried not to stare at his chiseled body but it was impossible, I mean- can you blame me?!
But when he went to his pants I slightly turned around

When I turned back around I caught him checking me out - at least he was fully dressed
His hair was still a little wet and damn it looked hot
"So why are you here?" I asked him
I noticed how he tensed at my question
"Because of my parents. Actually my father" he said looking down
He was sitting on my bed and I went to sit next to him
"Why? What happened?" I asked him concerned
He took a deep breath
"I told them about my scholarship and that I don't want to major in business" Everest said nonchalant
"And I guess it didn't end well" I stated already knowing the answer
He nodded
"Anyways I didn't came here to cry about my parents. I wanted to see you" he said smiling at his last words
I laughed at his words
"What? That's not funny" he mocked being hurt
"You're so corny" I said shaking my head
"And you're so fucking hot in that dress" he said eyeing my night gown
"It's a nightgown" I said shyly
"It looks really good on you" he said still not adverting his gaze from my body
"Yea and my eyes are up here" I said chuckling
"I know" he said moving his eyes to mine
I cleared my throat "so uhm are you hungry? I could make you something" I offered him
"Thank you but no thanks" he said as he started to get comfortable on my bed
"So what do you want to do now?" I asked
He shrugged "I dunno... cuddle?" He asked opening his arms for me
I gave in and snuggled myself closer to him
The sandwich can wait

It's not the first time that we cuddled but this time it was different
A bunch of thoughts were going through my mind and I was kind of nervous
Am I crushing him with my weight?
Wait I have to pee
I'm definitely crushing his arm
his breath is tickling me
Wait I think he's getting excited
I felt somewhat slightly poking my thigh
Yep he is excited
I turned my head to his side and looked at him
His eyes were slowly closing but I guess he waited for me to fall asleep first
And he was blushing a little
"What?" He asked whispering tired
"N-nothing" I whispered back
He yawned
I smiled a little at this sight since Everest looked so cute right now
He pulled my blanket up to our bodies and nuzzled closer to me
"Good Night Everest" I whispered softly
"Go'nigh Venus" he rambled the sleep taking over him
Slowly I also fell asleep in his arms

A/N: double update since this chapter is kinda short <3

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