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After Everest drove me home I couldn't find the guts to actually enter the house.
I stayed longer at Everest's place than I thought I would, so now here I am.

"Venus Imani Hamilton!" My mother yelled as soon I stepped inside our home
"Where have you been?! I got a call from school that a girl attacked you and-"
"Mother. I'm fine" I said cutting her off
"She just hit me and that's it" I lied, but she eyed me sceptically
"Whose clothes are that?" My mother asked, eyeing the way to big joggers and way to big hoodie on my body
"Uhm- a friends. That girl who hit me also threw some... some coke on me" I lied quickly
"Okay but whose clothes are that" she asked again, crossing her arms
"This random guy gave me them since I had nothing else to wear" I lied again
My mother just nodded her head and went on
"Where have you been the whole day?" She asked
"At Kate's. Sorry I should have texted you or dad" I said hurriedly before walking up into my bedroom
"That girl must've hit you hard the way you are limping right now" my mother said mumbling the last part
Oh yes 'she' hit me really hard


As I got ready for school my mother knocked on the door before entering my bedroom
"Venus, I just dismissed you from your classes today" she said looking around my room
"Wha- why?" I asked
"You have an appointment today"
She said nonchalant


I should've known it.
We were currently waiting at the gynecologist,
I mean it's not that I'm afraid or anything but the fact that my mother is with me... I don't know how to feel about this.

"Welcome back Venus. How are you?" Dr. Lint greeted me
"Good" I mumbled
"So, im seeing you Are here for... ah just a check up" she said
This woman is way to happy for my liking.
"I'm just going to ask you a few questions first and then we make some small tests" she informed me and my mother
"Are you okay with that?" She added
"Yes" I nodded
"Alright. So when was the last time you had your period?" She asked looking down at her clipboard
"I think two weeks ago" I said
"Would you say that your period comes regularly?" Dr. Lint asked, her gaze still fixed on the clipboard in her hand
"No, not really"
"How is your blood flow? is calm or rather heavy?" she asked
"It's literally as if I've been stabbed multiple times down there" I joked
"But yea rather heavy" I added
"What about alcohol, drugs or other substances?" She asked now looking up at me
"I don't take or drink any of these" I stated
"Are you sexual active?" She asked
I knew that question would come and back then I always responded with no because - well that's the truth.
But now... I mean Me and Everest had only sex two times but yea...
"Yes" I said looking down on my lap.
I could hear my mother gasp at my response
"Lord give me strength" she breathed out
"Is there a chance that you could be pregnant?" Dr. Lint asked me
"Well... the first time we forgot to use a condom-"
"Oh god! Venus how stupid can you be?!" My mother yelled cutting me off
"But! I took a morning after pill" I quickly added
"And the second time we actually used a condom. But I still took the morning after pill - just to be sure" I finished
I was afraid to look at my mom since I know how angry she's right now. She's just holding back because we aren't alone right now
"Alright that would be it. Now we are just going to make some tests just to clarify that you didn't catch anything or so" Dr. Lint informed us


"With who and when?" My mother asked as soon we entered the car
"Mom can we please not talk about it" I pleaded
"With who and when?!!" She asked again, this time much louder than before
I groaned
"With Everest" I mumbled looking down
"And when?" She asked with crossed arms
"The first time was when I got into that fight and... and the last time was I think 3 days ago" I said
Gosh I'm so embarrassed right now
"I don't want you to be with this boy anymore" my mom said before starting the car
"What?! Mom he's my boyfriend!" I yelled
"Y-your Boyfriend?!" My mother gasped loudly
Damn I forgot that I haven't told my parents about my boyfriend
"Venus?! How could you keep that from us?! He's a damn Sterling! Do you know how much influence they have on literally everything?!!" My mother said angrily
"Do his parents at least know about you?!" She asked, sounding a little more calm
"Not really" I said biting my lip
"What do you mean not really?!" She asked again
"Well his parents know he's seeing someone. Just not me" I said through teary eyes
My mother scoffed at me and went on lecturing and yelling at me


"I'm home" I called into our usual loud house before placing my keys on the table.
My body was aching from our recent football practice - our coach is making us work twice as hard than usual cause we'll soon have our last game before our graduation.
I hurriedly went upstairs into my bedroom and took a quick shower before plopping down onto my bed.

I was just laying in my bed scrolling on my phone when there was a knock on my door.
"Come in" I called, still scrolling on my phone
"Hey Everest, can we talk?" My mom asked me as she entered my room and sat down on my bed
"Yeah. What about?" I asked her as I sat up from my previous position
"Well I... I know you are currently seeing someone. I just wanted to know how close you two actually are?" My mom asked me
I raised my eyebrow at her
"Why?" I dragged out
"Everest. You are my son - so of course I would like to know" she said giving me that look
I shrugged "Well I- I like her a lot actually" I said, feeling the heat rise up to my cheeks as I thought about Venus
"Well you two must be pretty close then" my mom said in that tone - you know when they know something but act like they don't
"What makes you think that?" I asked her
"Well I was going trough your room - looking for dirty laundry and... I found a box of condoms in your bedroom" she said eyeing me
"Okay and?" I tried to play it off cool
She scoffed at me
"I also found a used condom in your trash" she said crossing her arms,
I felt the heat on my cheeks and ears
"I- uhm" I started to stutter
"Okay I get it" she said looking away from me
"I'm sorry?" I said biting on my lip
"There's nothing to be sorry about, honey. Just make sure to not have sex when we our your siblings are around, okay?" She said and I nodded in response
"Why don't you invite her over for dinner - maybe not today but soon yea?" My mom offered
"Mhm" I mumbled
"Alright I'm going to leave you alone now" my mom said before giving me a quick kiss on my forehead and leaving my bedroom.
As soon she closed the door I released my breath I didn't even noticed I was holding
Well that was awkward
Why was she even going through my room?!

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