Chapter 15 - Keeping Up With the Shinobi World

Start from the beginning

Yugito slapped her hard across the face.

Her mother, a tall, middle aged woman with pale skin and blonde hair, looked up in shock, at who had the audacity to just slap her.

She froze in place at the sight of her eldest child.

"You're going to be a grandmother." said Yugito, before humming to herself. "No, actually, since you weren't ever a mother to me, I guess you won't be."
"I don't want you here, you damn cat." snarled the woman. "You killed my husband."
"Matatabi did, and you threw your only daughter onto the streets." Yugito exclaimed. "You're not a saint."

Yugito sighed. "I'm leaving the village. My future husband is taking me to the Hidden Leaf, and I'm not sure when, so I had to come here. To say what I need to say before I go." she said, glaring kunai at the woman so hard that she took a step back. "I hate you. I always have, and I always will. I will never stop hating the woman who threw her 5 year old daughter out of her house with nothing but the clothes on her back. I want you to have nothing to do with my child. They are going to have a better childhood than I, because they aren't going to have you in it."
"I don't want demon spawns in my life either." said the woman. "Take your slutty ass over to another village and never come back. I hope your child dies in the wom-"

Yugito punched her square in the face.

"Mum!" exclaimed the kid, rushing to his mothers aid.
"Say whatever you want about me." muttered Yugito. "Demon, monster, I don't care. But... never... EVER... say anything like that about my child AGAIN!"

Yugito turned around, as Samui grabbed her arm to support her, swinging it over her shoulders. "I hope you choke on your new husband's cock, my very dear mother. I hope I never see you again." she said, glaring down at the woman and walking away.


Mei Terumi had been smirking and giggling all day over the announcement of her marriage to the Head of the Uchiha Clan. Mei knew she probably wasn't the only woman he was going to be marrying.

Did she care? Not one bit. Okay, so maybe she was a little jealous that all his attention wouldn't be on her exclusively, but she was more than willing to share. Naofumi, she knew, was a kind, charismatic, person, and the fact that he was prime eye candy was just an added bonus. Not to mention, she knew the desires of Village Councils all too well, as he had complained profusely about his own council and their dick move into forcing him to sign the CRA.

She would be forced to do the same under 2 circumstances. 1 was her being a man, and the other was her taking over the Hidden Mist. Only men could apply for the CRA due to them having the ability to get multiple people pregnant at the one time. Women were just expected to have a lot of kids with their husband when they got married if the roles were reversed. Did it suck? Kinda, but it wasn't her problem. She was getting married and having at least 5 kids anyway. She didn't need some silly CRA to do that.

She giggled like a blushing schoolgirl. Naofumi had been the focal point of many of her fantasies and dreams after their escapade half a year ago. He was so well trained in the art of pleasing women that she doubted any woman who had him between their legs could ever go back to another man again. He was just too perfect, but also a good looking guy and kind person, with a deadly and ruthless side to him. He was so damn cool, there was little doubt about the famous Uchiha Curse of Fangirls. His presence alone put civilian women on their knees.

All her life, all Mei wanted was to fall in love, get married and have a bunch of kids. She grew up without a father, and her mother had given her up at birth. She knew who she was, and knew the unfortunate circumstances surrounding her birth. She despised her father for what he did to her mother, since the Lava Style was not native to the Hidden Mist, and their relationship had been... non-consensual. Her mother took one look at her, relived all the horrors of her contraception, and demanded to never see the baby again. She left a note apologising, and informing her daughter of the situation.

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