It would be a few hours before Sakura stepped out to see that same teenage boy unmoved. She went over to him and placed her foot on his head. "Your name?" she asked him. "Miki, miss" he said. He sounded tired and sluggish. "And how old are you?" He glanced up at her but her foot shoved his face to the wooden porch again. "I will be 16 this year." he said. "Have Kai take care of you and prepare for the Namimori High School test in Spring. I expect everyone in my household to have a proper education." she said then left him there. "Thank you." he said, grateful.

Sawada Tsunayoshi

The next day at Namimori Middle School nothing too interesting happened other than the rumors of a first year confessing to another first year in their underwear. Sakura rolled her eyes finding this all to be a rumor until she was summoned by Hibari at lunch. Another member of the disciplinary committee met Sakura at her classroom. "Sakura-san, Hibari-sama wants to see us." he told her. She blinked surprised but nodded her head. Yuna looked upset. "You've been spending a lot of time with him." she commented. "It's part of being in a club. You should join one" The princess suggested to her best friend. Yuna continued to eat her lunch.

Sakura and this other member met Hibari in the empty stairwell. "After school there will be a student fight in the dojo. I expect you two can handle it." he commented. "Yes, sir." they both said and he took his leave. The other student nodded to Sakura and headed off following Hibari. Sakura on the other hand headed back to her classroom to finish lunch with Yuna.

After school Sakura headed to the dojo to see what this whole fight was about. She made her way inside as students made way for the second year once they saw her badge. Quickly she grew bored seeing how this fight was over a girl. She sighed thankful she didn't want to deal with another girl having a crush on Hibari. Instead she folded her arms waiting for the fight to start.

Boy was she shocked to see a first year student in his underwear getting in a fight with the older student named Mochida. She watched as he destroyed this student pulling out his hair and playing off the word of Ippon or one hit. She scoffed amused greatly by this. After the fight was over she made her way out so she could make the report to Hibari.

Gokudera Hayato

"A transfer student?" The princess was caught off guard to hear such a request from Kusakabe. Kusakabe coughed "Yes, I would normally create a file for the student for Hibari-sama but unfortunately I have a bit too much going on that I cannot make the file. Could you please do it for me?" he asked her once more. Sakura blinked and took the name from the second in command. "Thank you" he told her.

After school Sakura made her way to the committee room. She knocked on the door and waited a moment but there was no response from the leader. Cautiously she opened the door expecting Hibari to start a fight with her instead though she was greeted to a quiet empty room. Hibari wasn't by the window staring down at the students nor was he taking an afternoon nap on one of the couches.

She shut the door behind her and went over to the kettle so she could start making a cup of tea. Then she went over to the desk to boot up Hibari's computer that allowed her to access information about the students so she could start this new transfer student's file.

The girl spun the chairman's chair and then took a seat in it. Her face then started to heat up as she realized that she was sitting in Hibari's chair. The same chair that he gave orders in and looked down on them. A giggle escaped her as she leaned back in the chair. To sit in Hibari's chair without trying to hide or sneak around to leave him gifts was so different than having permission to actually sit in his chair and work. "Ah right, I'm supposed to be working instead of fangirling" she muttered to herself.

Sakura x HibariOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora