Chapter Twenty - The Enemy Of Trust

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As the chaos died down in the Atlas Academy, Mordred and Grendel managed to find safe place for them to take Circe's dead body. As they moved her into an isolated area, Grendel lays her body down. As Circe's body was laid down, green smoke began to seep from her body. The green smoke began to fill the room as her tattoos began to glow. On her left wrist, an archaic seal glows and then fades away. As it fades, Circe's eyes open as she sits up. 

Mordred: Welcome back to the land of the living, Circe. 

Circe: That was unfortunate. I was hoping to not waste a seal on such a....ignoble end. It will take me time to reform the seal. 

Grendel: Perhaps you should've been watching your back. 

Circe: That's why you two were with me. You were meant to hold off any attackers while I acquired the powers of the Winter Maiden. 

Mordred: Enough. We now know who has the Winter Maiden's powers. And from I've been hearing, she's abandoned General Ironwood. I will contact Lord Jadus. 

Mordred then proceeds to contact Darth Jadus via comlink. As the holoprojection of Darth Jadus formed, Mordred as well as Circe and Grendel bowed before him. 

Mordred: Lord Jadus, we have failed to acquire the Winter Maiden's powers. 

Darth Jadus(Holoprojection): This is most unfortunate, Mordred.  But perhaps this could work to our advantage. My spy has told me that the new Winter Maiden has abandoned Ironwood and fled with the Jedi. 

Mordred: What now, Lord Jadus? 

Darth Jadus(Holoprojection): Despite your failure to acquire the Winter Maiden's powers, you have done well in sewing fear and chaos in Atlas. With Atlas in chaos, the time has come for us to strike fear into the heart of this city in the clouds. Like Vale, Atlas shall know terror and the Dark Side. 

Mordred: Yes, Lord Jadus. 

As the call ended, Circe used her magic to teleport herself as well as Mordred and Grendel to Darth Jadus's location. Meanwhile, the Ebon Hawk begins making it's way to Mantle after escaping from Ironwood. Katooni glances over to Petro and notices a wound. 

Katooni: Petro, you're bleeding. 

Petro looks to his wound, not realizing that he had sustained it from his fight with Adam. 

Petro: Damn. Guess with all the excitement, I didn't notice. 

Katooni: Let me heal you. 

Petro: Don't strain yourself on my account. 

Katooni uses Force Heal to heal Petro's wound. Soon enough, the Ebon Hawk reaches the location of Team JNPR. As they enter the Ebon Hawk, the group notices that someone's missing. 

Yang: Where's Oscar? And the Relic?

Jaune: Oscar ran off. He said there was something he had to do alone. 

Ruby: And you just let him leave?! 

Nora: There was nothing we could do! We tried to stop him, but he just ran off! 

Jaune: Not only that, but some crazy girl just showed up and attacked us. We had her on the run until we were attacked by Ironwood's soldiers! 

Ren: It all happened so fast. There was nothing we could do. 

Hearing Team JNPR describing what happened reminded the Kybuck Clan too much about the events of Order 66 and the sacking of the Jedi Temple. 

Blake: Was it like this? When you were.....

Katooni: Yes, Blake. This is too much like the day the Jedi Temple was attacked. 

Scourge: We can no longer rely on Ironwood. He must be dealt with. 

Ruby: What are you suggesting? 

Scourge: Ironwood's madness will benefit Darth Jadus. Not only that, but he will send everything he has to hunt us down. He is our enemy. He must be treated as such. 

It didn't take them long to realize what Lord Scourge was suggesting. Scourge was suggesting that Ironwood must be killed. The Jedi as well as Ruby's group found this unacceptable. 

Gungi: <We can't kill him! It's not the Jedi way!>

Ruby: He's just scared! He doesn't know what he's doing!

Scourge: That doesn't matter. He is an unstable man with access to one of the most powerful militaries on the planet. And he has clearly shown that there is no line he won't cross for the sake of victory. 

Petro: That's not your call to make. That's Katooni's. 

Katooni took a moment to reflect on the situation. She knew that Ironwood would hunt them down.  Not only that, but it seemed that the arrival of Darth Jadus and Salem was inevitable. It was clear that they were in a crossroads. Despite this, Katooni maintained her convictions. 

Katooni: We'll press on. First thing we need to do is make our way to Mantle. We'll move forward from there. 

Ganodi: We're going to need to be careful. Scourge is right about one thing. Ironwood is gonna hunt us down.

Penny: As long as you have the Winter Maiden by your side, Ironwood won't harm you. 

As the group pondered their next move, Katooni felt a disturbance in the Force. She could feel a dark presence looming over her. It nearly overwhelmed her as she began to feel lightheaded. 

Petro: Katooni! 

Ruby: What's wrong? 

As Katooni took a moment to collect her thoughts, lightning cracked the sky. All attention fell straight ahead as a strange silhouette emerges from the storm clouds. Soon enough, the silhouette is revealed to be a Whale-like Grimm called a Monstra, accompanied by a massive army of flying Grimm. Atop the whale's nose stands Darth Jadus and Salem, who look upon the chaos gripping Atlas and Mantle with satisfaction. In that moment, Darth Jadus and Salem had arrived at Atlas to enact their plans. 

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