Chapter Eleven - Worst Case Scenario

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After the incident at Robyn Hill's election party, Penny was taken to Pietro's Pharmacy for repairs. Katooni used her Force Healing abilities to heal Ruby's injuries. As the Grimm situation was contained, Ironwood issued a curfew and a ban on public gatherings. The Kybuck Clan grow more and more concerned with Ironwood's actions. Lord Scourge did not shy away from making his opinions known. 

Scourge: You are a fool, Ironwood. 

Ironwood: I am protecting these people. A Sith like you would never understand. 

Scourge: I helped save the entire Galaxy from destruction at the hands of the Emperor. I saved more lives than you could ever imagine. This course of action will end in disaster. 

Ironwood: You seem so adamant in criticizing my plan, yet you offer no alternative. 

Scourge: We are wasting our times on this fool. It's clear that he wishes this city to burn. 

At this point, Ironwood's distrust of Scourge continued to grow. 

Ironwood: It seems Robyn has emboldened our suppliers in Mantle. They're refusing to sell us provisions until the city is adequately repaired. With Robyn redistributing the goods her team has stolen, the Amity Project is completely stalled.

Ruby: But we're so close. There has to be some way we can finish the tower.

Winter: There is - declaring martial law.

As Winter made the suggestion, everyone in the room became uneasy. The Kybuck Clan feared what would happen as a result. 

Katooni: There has to be another way. 

Nora: You're not actually considering that, are you?

Ironwood: What's more important? Establishing communications, unite the world? Or appeasing a few city blocks?

Nora: Don't make it sound trivial when you know it isn't. You keep talking about how we just need a little more time, but you're not the one having to struggle.

Ironwood: We have all had to make sacrifices for the greater good. Mantle has had to bear a lot of the burden, yes, but...

Nora: They're bearing all of it! The longer this waiting game goes on, the harder each day gets for people down there and now you wanna send in more soldiers? You can't just force people to fall in line. If you do that, you'll just be trading all of these problems for the Grimm!

Ironwood said nothing as he pondered the situation. Katooni and Petro then thought about the words Mordred said before he escaped. It was clear that this attack was meant to spark something. At this point, Nora grew frustrated. 

Nora: I am so sick of secrets! If we just told everyone about Amity, about Salem...

Ironwood: We can't! If we talk about Amity now, we risk Salem's forces, who we know are here, working to sabotage it. If we tell them about Salem now, we risk falling to the Grimm before we can reunite Remnant. We have to finish the tower. I want Robyn Hill in custody. We can offer her a deal if she gets Mantle to cooperate.

Clover: We'll figure it out.

Ironwood: Anyone not assisting with Robyn needs to focus on Tyrian.

It became clear that Scourge didn't approve of this plan. He didn't bother hiding his disdain for the plan. Scourge then exits the room with the Kybuck Clan and Professor Huyang following him. 

Scourge: This is complete and utter madness. Every moment we waste on this madness gives Darth Jadus the advantage. 

Huyang: There is not much we can do. It seems Darth Jadus and Salem are always one step ahead of us. 

Scourge: That is why we must not waste our time with this insanity. Ironwood is a fool. If the fool wishes to die, then I will not impede his efforts. 

Katooni was still troubled by Mordred's words as well as Ironwood's actions. It was clear that this was all the manipulation of Darth Jadus at work. 

Ganodi: How's Penny doing? 

Zatt: Pietro was able to fix her up, but she's still shaken up about what happened. 

Gungi: <What's our next move?>

Ganodi: Blake and Yang are gonna try and find Robyn. 

Byph: We'll go with them. After what happened with Mordred, we can't be too careful. 

Zatt: Byph's right. If Mordred is here, then there's a good chance Circe and Grendel are here too. 

Darth Jadus's plan was a mystery to Katooni. The lack of clarity about his plans deeply concerned her. In response to this, Katooni confided in Scourge. 

Katooni: You knew Darth Jadus. What will his next move be?

Scourge: If Darth Jadus sent his most trusted servants here, then there must be something that he wants. But if he's been observing Ironwood, then all Jadus needs to do is wait. Ironwood's plan will play right into Jadus's hands. 

Petro: This just keeps getting better. 

Katooni: There's another thing I have to ask. How many would he have in his service?

Scourge: I cannot give you an accurate answer. But I can only assume that he has built a considerable network of spies and moles in all corners of Remnant, including Atlas. 

As Scourge said this, the Kybuck Clan became concerned. Even Lord Scourge was unaware of just how far the Darth Jadus's sphere of influence stretched. As the looming threat of Darth Jadus seemed to keep growing, the Kybuck Clan remained cautious. Gungi and Byph left the Academy to meet up with Blake and Yang to aid them in their search for Robyn Hill. In the meantime, the Kybuck Clan would remain vigilant as the shadow of Darth Jadus loomed over Atlas like a dark cloud. 

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