Chapter Eighteen - The Winter Maiden

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As chaos grips the Atlas Academy, Petro and Weiss rush to the facility where the Winter Maiden was being held. 

Weiss: I hope we're not too late!

Petro: We better be ready for anything! Something tells me this isn't going to be easy! 

As Petro and Weiss navigated through the corridors of the Atlas Academy, Circe along with Mordred and Grendel reached entrance to the facility. Inside the facility, Cinder gained the upper hand on Winter and Penny.

Cinder: You Atlas elites are all the same! You think hoarding power means you'll have it forever, but it just makes the rest of us hungrier. And I refuse to starve.

Winter and Penny soon found themselves overwhelmed by Cinder's relentless assault. violently takes the fight outside of the building in a fit of anger. There, she breaks Winter's Aura breaks. After that, Cinder returns to the facility while Penny saves Winter from falling to her death. Meanwhile, Petro and Weiss reached the entrance to the facility. Petro soon spots Circe with Mordred and Grendel at her side. Before the two could rush in, Circe uses her magic to seal the entrance with solid steel. 

Petro: Sithspit!

Weiss: Was that...Circe? 

Petro: Yeah. But why show up now? Unless....

In that moment, Petro quickly realized what was going on. 

Petro: We need to get inside now! Circe's planning to steal the powers of the Winter Maiden! 

Weiss then uses her Glyphs to summon a Arma Gigas to try and break down the door, but it proves to be unsuccessful. Knowing time was short, Petro activated his Lightsaber and plunges it into the center of the steel. The concentrated heat of Petro's Lightsaber caused the steel to melt away. Soon enough, a large opening had been made. 

Petro: Watch your step! 

Petro and Weiss moved through the opening. Meanwhile, Cinder breaks into the the Aura transfer pod containing Fria and attempts to steal her Maiden powers. 

Cinder: You had your time in the sun, but now I'm afraid your time is up.

Fria: Yes. I've been waiting here... for some time, I think. What was I waiting for?

Cinder: Me. 

Fria: No. I had a job to do. 

Fria then activates her Maiden powers and unleashes a massive freezing whirlwind, forcing Cinder to fall back. As the whirlwind dies down, Fria could feel her power leave her. Penny then enters to try and help Fria. 

Fria: I had a job to do. I was supposed to protect the power of the maiden until I was ready. I worry I may have lost track of time. But you can tell James that I'm ready now. 

Penny: Ma'am, if you do that... 

Fria: I'll be gone. Tell me, what is your name? 

Penny: Penny. 

Fria: Penny. Are you the one?

As Fria asked that question, she dies in Penny's arms. In that moment, the powers of the Winter Maiden had been transferred to Penny. Cinder soon sees her opportunity. 

Cinder: She's mine!

As Cinder moves to attack Penny, a weakened Winter severs Cinder's Shadow Hand with her sword. Cinder screams in pain as it painfully grows back. Before Cinder could attack, green smoke engulfs Cinder and teleports her out of the room. After that, Circe as well as Mordred and Grendel arrived. 

Circe: Now this is unexpected. 

Mordred: So the machine inherited the powers of the Winter Maiden? 

Upon seeing Mordred, Penny activated her Winter Maiden powers and attacks Mordred. Before she could do so, Circe got the drop on her and unleashed a magic attack which stuns her in place. 

Winter: Penny!

Winter attempts to aid Penny, but Grendel punches her in the stomach with enough force to make her collapse to the ground. Grendel then presses his foot against Winter's head. 

Circe: Let us begin. 

Circe then begins a ritual which appears to sap the powers of the Winter Maiden from Penny. The ritual was interrupted by Petro and Weiss. Weiss commands her Arma Gigas summoning to attack Grendel, freeing her in the process. Petro then goes for an overhead strike on Circe, but Mordred blocks the attack with Exar Kun's Lightsaber. 

Mordred: Petro. And I thought the chaos would keep you and your friends distracted.

Petro: Guess that's your problem! You always underestimate me!

Mordred: I won't make that mistake again! 

Petro was soon engaged in a duel against Mordred while Weiss and her Arma Gigas summoning to attack Grendel. Petro could see that this fight was to only delay them long enough for Circe to steal the Winter Maiden powers from Penny. 

Petro: Weiss! Get ready to move on my mark! 

Weiss readied her sword as Petro unleashes a powerful Force Repulse which knocks Mordred and Grendel away. Seizing the opportunity, Petro and Weiss rush to Circe and managed to stab her through the heart. The ritual stopped as Circe collapsed to the ground without a sound. Before Petro and Weiss could take a minute to recover, they were attacked by Mordred and Grendel. Mordred then turns to Grendel. 

Mordred: We don't have much time, Grendel. Grab Circe's body. We're leaving. 

Petro: We're not done with you yet!

Petro and Weiss attempt to attack, but Mordred blocks their attacks with the Lightsaber. Grendel then grabs Circe's seemingly dead body and jumps out the tower. Mordred soon joins Grendel.

Petro: Damn....

Weiss then checks on Winter. 

Weiss: Winter! Are you all right? 

Winter: I suggest you all surrender and comply with the General's orders.

Weiss: We can't do that. 

Winter: Then I run. 

With that, Petro and Weiss along with Penny left the room to regroup with the others. Petro and Weiss managed to stop Circe from stealing the powers of the Winter Maiden, but this was far from over. 

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