Chapter Fourteen - As Above, So Below

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As Petro and Weiss discovered the truth about Jacques's connection with Darth Jadus, Jacques continues to try to sway the Atlas Council against Ironwood. Slowly but surely, the Council along with Robyn turn against Ironwood. Suddenly, Petro and Weiss burst through the door. 

Weiss: Wait! You've got the wrong man on trial. I know who's been framing Ironwood, who rigged the election. And my father does, too. He's been working with him.

Weiss then shows everyone the footage of Jacques groveling before Darth Jadus. Ironwood immediately recognizes him. 

Camilla: Who is this?

Petro: Darth Jadus! He's a Sith Lord! He was one of the people who attacked Beacon!

As the footage reveals Jacques's treachery, Jacques prepares to make his escape, but Lord Scourge grips him with Force Choke and slams him against a wall. As Jacques tries to crawl away, Lord Scourge grabs him by the throat. 

Jacques: Un....unhand me!

Weiss: Jacques Schnee, you're under arrest.

Jacques: You....stupid girl! Do you have any idea what you've done?! Lord Jadus will not tolerate this!

Scourge: Your own fate is sealed. You have failed him. A Sith Lord does not tolerate failure. 

Jacques: He'll....he'll free me! He'll free me and punish all of you!

Scourge: You have been exposed. You are nothing more than a loose end. I could kill you right now, but I won't deprive Jadus of his kill. 

Ironwood: For once, I agree. You will answer for your crimes. Whether it be by the law or your own master. 

With that, Jacques Schnee had been taken into custody. As this happened riots began to erupt in Mantle due to the shutdown of the heating grid. The gravity of the situation was made clear to everyone in the room. 

Katooni: Without heat in Mantle, there's going to be chaos! 

Scourge: And Darth Jadus will exploit this chaos to exploit it. 

Ironwood soon hears reports of Grimm attacking Mantle as well as unknown assailants. It was clear that the city of Mantle had erupted in chaos. Oscar soon advices to reveal the existence of the Amity Tower project to the public. As Ironwood ponders his options, the Kybuck Clan and Ruby's group were left to think on their next move. 

Ruby: I think we should tell Ironwood the truth about Salem. 

Oscar: I agree. Ironwood is finally choosing the truth over fear. We should do the same.

Ruby: I'll tell him. I'm the one who chose to keep it from him in the first place.

Scourge: That is not the wise move. If we reveal the truth, then Ironwood will become a liability. 

Blake: Don't you think he deserves to know the truth? Look at everything he's been through. 

Scourge: That is not our concern. What is our concern is Darth Jadus as well as Salem. They have set their sights on Atlas. Mantle is only the beginning. 

Yang: I'm honestly tired of keeping secrets from everybody! This concerns everyone! Everyone is at risk! 

Scourge: And if we reveal the truth, our adversaries will multiply. Furthermore, it will put us at a heavy disadvantage against Darth Jadus. If you follow through with this plan, then you're just as foolish as Ironwood. 

As Scourge made his point, everyone was rushed to the transport ships while the Kybuck Clan along with Huyang and Scourge boarded the Ebon Hawk to address the situation in Mantle. Ganodi soon answers a call from Clover. 

Clover(Intercom): Alright, everyone. I need to stress to our new Huntsmen and Huntresses, we are prioritizing citizen safety over killing Grimm. Got it? 

Katooni: Understood. 

Clover(Intercom): Katooni, take your team to the northwest of Mantle and deal with those attackers. If you can, capture their leader. I want to know exactly who they are and what their purpose is! 

Katooni: We won't let you down!

As the call ended, Ganodi began piloting the Ebon Hawk to the northwest part of Mantle. On the way there, they were attacked by Grimm. 

Ganodi: We got Grimm on our tail! 

Zatt: On it!

Zatt got on the one of the Ebon Hawk's turrets and began shooting down Grimm. As the Ebon Hawk fought their way to the northwest part of the city, Katooni gathered the others in the main hold. 

Katooni: Remember what Clover said, our priority is to help the people in need. 

Petro: Those Grimm on the ground might cause us some problems. Someone needs keep those Grimm off our backs. 

Scourge: Leave that to me. 

Without hesitation, Scourge readies his Lightsaber and jumps off the loading ramp of the Ebon Hawk and begins hacking his way through the Grimm. As Lord Scourge left to clear the Grimm, Gungi stepped up.

Gungi: <Byph and I will try to help the civilians get to safety.>

Byph: We'll do whatever we can.

Katooni: Petro and I will deal with these assailants. With luck, we'll find out who they are. 

Huyang: I will remain on the Ebon Hawk to help Zatt and Ganodi with maintaining the Ebon Hawk. 

Katooni: Then we all know what we need to do. Mantle needs our help and we must do everything in our power to help those in need. May the Force be with us all. 

With that, the Kybuck Clan split into groups and began their mission to help the people of Mantle. As they did so, Darth Jadus watched the chaos engulfing Mantle with deep satisfaction. He saw ample opportunity in both Mantle and Atlas to advance his grand plan to bring Remnant into an age of terror. But for now, he would simply observe the chaos and terror that has taken hold of Mantle.  

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