Chapter Two - Protector Of Mantle

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Outside Pietro's pharmacy, the Kybuck Clan and Ruby's group are engaged in a battle against a pack of Grimm which consisted of Sabyrs. It didn't take long for chaos to ensue. 

Oscar: I guess the city defenses aren't doing much.

Katooni: We'll have to handle this ourselves!

The Jedi readied their Lightsabers and charged into the battle, cutting down any Grimm that came their way. Ruby and the others joined in on the fight. During the battle, the Grimm began to surround them. Lord Scourge didn't bother to use his Lightsaber as he simply used the Force to rip them apart. 

Ruby: We got them on the run! 

As the Grimm closed in on the group, a Sabyr was about to ambush Blake. Zatt and Ganodi moved in to cut the Grimm down, but the Sabyr was struck down by a green laser. It wasn't long before the rest of the Grimm were struck down by several green lasers. 

Petro: What the....

As the Grimm were cleared out, a girl with long orange hair flies down with green jets coming from her feet. As she lands on her feet, Ruby recognizes her.

Ruby: Penny!

Pietro: Darling, why don't you say hello to your friends?

Penny: Salu.....

Penny then rushes at Ruby in high speed and tackles her in a great big hug. 

Penny: ....tations!

Petro: Penny's alive? I thought she got busted in the Vytal Festival!

Huyang: One of the many advantages of being a Droid is that there is always a chance to be rebuilt. 

Pietro: That is correct, my friend! We were able to recover her core from Amity Arena once it had made its way back to Atlas. It took me some time, but....

Penny: I'm as good as new! Better, even! And now I'm the official protector of the city!

Pietro: That's my girl. We're not going to let a little ripping to shreds stop us, are we?

Penny: No sir! 

Penny then knocks on her head, making a clanking sound. This strangely warm moment caught everyone off guard. Petro couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. However, Lord Scourge became impatient. 

Scourge: If you're finished, we have work to do. Time is not a luxury we can afford. 

Penny: We have so many things to catch up about. I cannot wait!

As Penny finished her sentence, the alarms began to blare once more.

Penny: It seems we will have to wait. Let's talk more later! I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures and tell you how I have been and I am just very excited about the whole experience! 

Nora:  I can't tell if I completely understand what's going on or have, like, a million questions. 

Pietro: And thankfully, I have about a thousand answers. But let's get out of this weather first.

Maria: I have absolutely no idea who that child was. Is she important somehow?

Jaune: That was unexpected.

Ren: Never a dull moment.

Qrow: But I wouldn't say unwelcome. I was honestly expecting things to go a lot rougher.

As the group followed Pietro and Maria back inside, the Kybuck Clan as well as Lord Scourge sensed a disturbance in the Force. Suddenly, several bolases wrap around Nora, Oscar, Jaune and Ren. The same thing soon happened to Team RWBY, Qrow and Professor Huyang. The Kybuck Clan and Scourge were the only ones able to escape. 

Ganodi: What was that?!

Petro: Looks like we got company! 

As the Kybuck Clan readied their Lightsabers, five uniformed people come out of hiding and approached the group. The leader known as Clover Ebi speaks with his team. 

Clover: Good work, team.

Oscar: Hey! What's going on?! 

Qrow: Hey, pal! I'm a licensed Huntsman! Just helped save everyone?

Clover gestures his team to focus on Scourge and the Jedi. The Sith Lord remains unfazed by this as Clover's team begins confiscating everyone's weapons. 

Scourge: If you all wish to live another day, you will leave us be. 

Clover: Is that a threat? 

Scourge: No. It is a promise. 

As Scourge says this, two of the Atlesian Knight-200s were crushed. Clover remained calm and collected. 

Clover: Hm. Let's get them loaded into the next transport.

Ruby: Please! We were just trying to help!

Pietro: What is the meaning of this? What are the Ace-Ops even doing down here in Mantle?

Ruby: Ace-Ops?

Clover: Doctor, good to see you. Well, we heard a report of an unauthorized ship making an unauthorized landing, followed by an unauthorized use of weapons by unlicensed Huntsmen.

Petro: That ship doesn't belong to Atlas. Right now, you've got a pissed off Sith Lord standing right next to you. If you don't back off, I can't promise you'll walk away unscathed. 

Zatt: Smooth. Real smooth. 

Clover: All of you lower your weapons. You're going to Atlas one way or another. Why not make it easy on yourselves and come with us?

At this point, the Kybuck Clan found themselves in a difficult position. Remaining calm, Katooni deactivated her Lightsaber. 

Katooni: Stand down. 

Petro: Are you serious?! 

Katooni: I don't like it either, but we didn't come here to start a fight. 

Petro: Unbelievable....

The Kybuck Clan deactivated their Lightsabers and dropped them to the ground. The Ace-Ops then collected their Lightsabers and cuffed them. As they moved in on Scourge, the Sith Lord simply glared at them. 

Scourge: I will cooperate for now, but I will not be bound like an animal nor will I be disarmed. 

Clover: Leave it be for now. Let's get them on the transports. 

With that, the Kybuck Clan and the others were taken into custody by the Ace-Ops. The Ebon Hawk was soon located and taken by the Ace-Ops. 

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