Chapter Seven - An Unpleasant Conversation

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As Jacques Schnee arrived at near the abandoned mine, he approached Ironwood, not paying attention to the Jedi or Huntsmen. 

Jacques: So let me get this straight, James. In addition to this nonsensical embargo of yours crippling my business, you've also decided you have the authority to commandeer private property?

Ironwood: Actually, I've already informed them. As this is now the site of a classified military operation, it didn't even require a vote.

Jacques: Didn't require a vote?!

Ironwood: You might want to brush up on Council law before you lose this upcoming election, Jacques. Now. I've allowed you to land here once as a courtesy. The next time, it won't be a friendly reception.

Jacques: Lately, you seem to forget who your friends really are. I'm going to get that Council seat, James, and maybe then, you'll...

Before Jacques could finish his sentence, he notices Weiss among the group. The two glare at one another as Petro steps in, knowing the volatile history between the two. 

Jacques: You roped my missing daughter into these schemes of yours, too? How long has she been back in Atlas? Did Winter know about this?

Weiss: It was my decision to come here. Just like it was my decision to leave. Or have you forgotten all about that?

Jacques: If you think I'm one to forget anything, girl, then you've misjudged the man your father is.

Weiss: Believe me, I know exactly the kind of man you are.

Jacques: How dare you speak to me that way!? I have half a mind to....

It was at this moment that Petro stepped in. 

Petro: Back off, sleemo! 

Jacques: Wait a minute, I remember you. You're that hoodlum from the charity party! I should've know you had a hand in this!

Petro: You're daughter might be a handful, but at least she's not a total scumbag like you!

Jacques became outraged by Petro's words. He soon casts his attention to the rest of the group. Upon seeing them, he scoffs. 

Jacques: So these are the little friends you threw everything away for?

Weiss: Not friends. Family. 

Petro: We've been more of a family to Weiss than you ever could. 

Jacques: Don't think that this isn't over. The Council will hear of this outrage!

Jacques then walks away from the group and enters his ship. As the ship takes off, the Kybuck Clan were confused at how Petro knew Jacques.

Ganodi: Mind telling us what that was about?

Petro: It's a long story....

Soon enough, Winter and Penny arrived. As they did, Ironwood addressed the group. 

Ironwood: It goes without saying that this arena holds a significance to all of us. It's only fitting that we should be able to reconvene here. Now. When the world needs to be brought together more than ever. The road you traveled from our first meeting hasn't been easy. You fought for your school and your friends at Beacon. You fought for the world and the innocent at Haven Academy and beyond. You faced down terrors people can't even fathom. That's not the behavior of students. It's the behavior... of Huntsmen and Huntresses.

In that moment, the Kybuck Clan as well as Ruby's group were given Huntsmen licenses. They had all become fully licensed Huntsmen and Huntresses. The Kybuck Clan were taken aback by this, but they were more than ready to fulfil their newfound duties. They soon began celebrating the occasion with cake. However, this celebration would soon be cut short by events to come. Meanwhile, Jacques Schnee returns to the Schnee Manor, still outraged by what had just happened. As he sits in his office, his young son Whitley opens the door. 

Whitley: Father, you, um...have a visitor.

Jacques: I told you I didn't want to be disturbed. Why did you let them in?

Whitley: I didn't. He... let himself in.

As Whitley says this, Darth Jadus enters the room. The sudden appearance of the Sith Lord terrified Jacques. 

Darth Jadus: Jacques Schnee. We have much to discuss. 

As Darth Jadus loomed over Jacques, he turned to his son. 

Jacques: Leave us, boy. See to it that I'm not disturbed. And I mean it this time. 

Whitley leaves the room and shuts the door. Jacques pours himself a drink to calm his nerves. 

Jacques: Why are you here? 

Darth Jadus: Because you have not done as I have asked. 

Jacques: But...but I've given you all the Dust shipments I can! This goddamn embargo is bleeding my company! Not to mention that bitch Robyn Hill is leading in the polls! I'd lay off every employee in Mantle if I wasn't trying to get their damn votes for this Council seat.

Darth Jadus: I do not want to hear excuses. Now I have made the necessary arrangements to see that you win the election. However, you will serve me above all else. 

Jacques: Of....of course, Lord Jadus. My loyalty to you remains. 

Darth Jadus: Know this, Jacques. I will grant you only one chance to prove your worth to me. I will not tolerate failure. You have failed to live up to my expectations. When you win your seat, I expect that my will be done. Do not fail me, Jacques Schnee. I will not be so forgiving. 

Jacques: you wish, Lord Jadus. 

With that, Darth Jadus left Jacques's office, making it clear that he would aid Jacques in his bid for election against Robyn Hill. However, Darth Jadus also made it very clear that failure would not be tolerated and the punishment for such failure would be severe. 

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