Chapter Seventeen - With Friends Like These

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In Ironwood's office, the Kybuck Clan and Team RWBY as well as Lord Scourge and Professor Huyang were locked in Ironwood's office with Ironwood and the Ace-Ops. 

Weiss: Please, think about what you're doing.

Harriet: You heard the general. Until this is sorted out, you're under arrest.

Yang: Really?

Vine: Please. Don't make this difficult.

As the Ace-Ops moved to take them into custody, they all dropped to their knees as they began to choke. Scourge stepped forward, gripping the Ace-Ops in Force Choke. Scourge soon made eye contact with Ironwood. 

Scourge: Katooni, cut the doors open. We are leaving. 

Without hesitation, Katooni activated her Lightsaber and began to slice through the door. 

Ironwood: I had plans to arrest you as well. But you're too dangerous to be kept alive. 

Scourge: I warned you to alter your course, Ironwood. Now you will reap what you have sown. 

Scourge kept the Ace-Ops restrained with Force Choke as Katooni cut through the door. Ironwood soon pulled out his pistol and began to shoot Scourge, forcing him to let go of the Ace-Ops. 

Ruby: Come on Harriet! We're playing right into Salem's hands! You know we need to be working together.

Harriet: Oh don't give me that crap! I had you kids pegged right from the start.

Soon enough, a fight broke out between Team RWBY and the Ace-Ops. As Katooni cuts through the door, she turns to the others. 

Katooni: The door's open! 

Upon hearing this, Scourge channeled his rage and unleashed a concentrated wave of energy which lifted both Ironwood and the Ace-Ops off their feet and sent them flying backward through the air, slamming against the wall. 

Scourge: Now is our opportunity!

With that, the Kybuck Clan as well as Team RWBY and Huyang made their escape. Scourge then uses the Force to cave the entrance, trapping Ironwood and the Ace-Ops inside. 

Ruby: We have to stop Ironwood. If he can't access the Relic, he can't move Atlas.

Weiss: We just have to get to the Winter Maiden.

As they made their way to the elevator, the Kybuck Clan were reminded of Order 66 as well as the attack on the Jedi Temple. This brought back painful memories of that night. 

Ganodi: I can't believe this is happening again....

Zatt: Ironwood's lost it. We need to get to the Ebon Hawk now!

Petro: You guys go ahead! I'll go with Weiss to find the Winter Maiden! 

Katooni: Be careful, Petro! 

With that, Petro and Weiss splits up from the main group to find the Winter Maiden. Meanwhile, Winter and Penny were preparing for the process of transferring the Winter Maiden's powers to Winter. 

Winter: I hope it will be painless for her.

Penny: You said your personal feelings do not matter.

Winter: They won't change my actions. What I'm committed to. The power of the Winter Maiden and the Relic must be kept from our enemies. Even if it means she dies. But yes Penny, we must still acknowledge our personal feelings, wrestle with them. It ensures us that we're on the right path. It's what makes us human.

Penny: I think... I think I understand.

Suddenly, explosions were heard. Before they could react, Winter and Penny were attacked by Cinder Fall. 

Cinder: Hmm. Both of Ironwood's puppets. Lucky me.

Winter: Cinder. 

Penny: You were responsible for Beacon. For what happened to me.

Cinder: It was unfortunately temporary. Now step aside or there won't be anything left to salvage this time.

As Cinder says this, she forms a fireball from her hand and aims it at Penny. 

Cinder: What do you think of that?

Penny: I gives me personal feelings.

Penny then readies Floating Array and attacks Cinder alongside Winter. Meanwhile, Mordred and Grendel were escorting Circe to the area where the Winter Maiden was being held. They took advantage of the chaos occurring in the Atlas Academy. 

Mordred: What is the Winter Maiden's status? 

Circe: She is not long for this world. She will die at any moment. I heard it through the grapevine that Ironwood is going to have her powers transferred to Winter Schnee. 

Grendel: The chaos is cracking Ironwood. Just as Lord Jadus said. 

Mordred: If the Winter Maiden is close to death and Ironwood has sent Winter, then there can't be delays. Luckily for us, our mutual friends should be arriving any minute. 

Meanwhile at the entrance of the Atlas Academy, a squadron of Atlesian Soldiers were deployed at the entrance along with dozens of Atlesian Knights. They soon are given orders to arrest the Kybuck Clan and Ruby's group on sight. As they stood guard, they heard the sound of a whirring ship. 

Atlesian Soldier: Do you hear that? 

Before anyone could react, a transport shuttle crashes through the door. The careening ship and the huge mass of rubble it created crushed a number of Atlesian Knights before coming to a halt directly in front of the Atlesian troopers. One of the Atlesian troopers contacts Atlas Command.

Atlesian Soldier: Command, an unidentified vessel just crashed into the Atlas Academy. Please advise.

Suddenly, the comms were jammed as the transport shuttle's hatch blew open. The cybernetic Adam Taurus soon steps forward with Wilt and Brush drawn. Immediately, the Atlesian troopers aim their guns at him. 

Atlesian Soldier: Don't move! Stay where you are and show me your hands! 

Adam stops in his tracks as 100 White Fang warriors stepped out of the transport shuttle. Adam raised his sword forward and the White Fang attacked. In that moment, Adam Taurus and the White Fang attacked the Atlas Academy under the orders of Darth Jadus. 

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