She had long, flowing, dark brown hair. She has pretty brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She had tan skin. She was actually really pretty.

Wait...snap out of it Jaden. You already have a girlfriend.

"Aye Jaden," Blake whispered, while patting me on the shoulder. "I dare you to dump the rest of your beer on that girls head." He said.

"Ah yeah. Do it." Sam added in.

"Yeah she'll be so pissed." Mason added in lastly.

I looked at the girl. I guess I'll do it. It'll probably be funny anyway. So why not.

I stood up and slowly walked near the girl. Her back was faced to me which made this even easier. I turned my bottle upside down and the beer went right on top of her head, and flowed down all over her shirt.

She slowly turned around with an angry face expression. I could already see the fury in her eyes. I smiled, knowing that she was probably about to cuss me out.

And that's exactly what she did. She cussed me out and and her face started to turn red. She was so mad, it looked like her face was about to explode. I looked over at the guys and they were laughing like maniacs.

She's really cute when she's mad. I mean...she's really mad...when she's mad. Anyway. She was still yelling at me. I had to stop her because I know if she kept going, she would get even more mad.

"Okay. Calm down. Just go ch-" I stopped my sentence when she slapped me on my left jaw. I paused for a second.

Honestly. That slap hurt like shit. But of course I couldn't show that. By this time, Blake, Mason and Sam were laughing there lungs out. "What the f-"

"Shut up. Leave me alone." The girl said, turning around and walking away.

"I'm Jaden by the way." I called out. Just thought she should know.

"I don't care." I called back.

I turned around to see Blake, Mason, and Sam still laughing.

"Shut up." I said. They stopped laughing, but when I walked away, they continued laughing.

I walked to my homeroom class. I walked inside and everyone turned their heads towards me. "Why are you late?" My teacher, Mr. Lackmon asked me sternly.

"Cuz I got here late." I said, walking to my seat. "Obviously." I said putting my feet on the desk.

Mr. Lackmon glared at me. "Get your feet off of my tables Wilson." He said.

"I'd like it if you called me by my first name." I said.

"Okay. Get your feet off of my tables. Jaden." Mr. Lackmon said.

I paused for a second as if I was thinking. "Nah." I said. "I'm pretty comfortable."

Mr. Lackmon scowled at me. "So you're just going to disobey my orders?" He said.

"Yeah." I said simply.

Mr. Lackmon sighed in defeat and turned to the board. "Alright class. Today we will be starting a new unit. We will be talking about the French Revolution and why the British-" Mr. Lackmon stopped and looked at me and saw that I had my phone out. "Jaden. Put your phone up." He said.

I sighed in aggravation. "Man. You are really annoying." I mentioned.

"You know what Jaden? You-" the lunch bell rang and everyone stormed out of the classroom. Mr. Lackmon sighed and walked out of the classroom as well.

I really hate him. I smirked as an idea popped in my mind. I put my phone in my pocket and took my feet off of the desk. I got up and ran towards the door and closed it. I took my book bag off of my back and took out a can of spray paint that I always carry around for some reason.

Janelle's ChoiceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora