The Perfect Life (Part 1)

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   "Kai Kai, Wake Up Love!" His Mother Lin Jane Said.
  Kai Kai sits up and yawns, throwing his hands in the air to stretch his arms then sets them back down on the bed.
"Good Morning Mother..."
"Kai Kai, You Slept In." Lin Jane crosses her arms.
Kai Kai stands up quickly. "Oh, I'm So Sorry Mother!"
"It's Fine Love." Lin Jane walks in front of Kai Kai and moves his long hair out of his face. "Be Ready For Lunch Though."
Lin Jane walks over to his bedroom door but stops and turns towards Kai Kai.
"Your Father Is Working On The Garden. He Could Use Some Help."
"Sure Ma" Kai Kai walks over to his closet.
"Thank You Love" She walks out the door.

Kai Kai has long light black hair with a small red streak of hair down the side of his right ear. His dark red eyes were very shiny but didn't have anything in common with his bright white horns. His long dark red and light black dragon tail would wrap around everything you could thing of.

   Kai Kai's family is a family of five. Kai Kai's father Quin Kai, Kai Kai's mother Lin Jane, Kai Kai's uncle Ren Kai, and Kai Kai's young brother Jay Jane. Kai Kai is turning the age 16 in four months and his young brother Jay Jane is turning 7 in five months.

Kai Kai's mother, Lin Jane had bright red hair with black horns. Her tail was black and red and she had bright white eyes.
Kai Kai's father, Quin Kai had dark black hair, white horns, and a long, stretched out black and white tail.
Kai Kai's brother, Jay Jane looks exactly like Kai Kai.... Except Jay Jane is smaller.
Kai Kai's uncle, Ren Kai looks just like his father. They looked like twins when they were younger, even though Ren Kai was 3 years older then Quin Kai.

   Six months ago, Kai Kai's father, Quin Kai, had lost his job. Kai Kai's mother never had a job due to women not being aloud to have jobs. Because of this, Quin Kai had brought his brother, Ren Kai, down to help pay for their home.

Kai Kai usually would get up in the mornings and put on the best clothes he could. Kai Kai was in charge of getting his brother to school on time since his mother was usually cleaning the house and his father would be working. But because his father lost his job, Kai Kai nor Jay Jane could attend school.

   Kai Kai lived in a small house. Kai Kai and Jay Jane slept in the same room and in the same bed. Their parents, Quin Kai and Lin Jane slept in another room and their uncle Ren Kai slept on their small couch in their tiny living room.

   It may seem like Kai Kai doesn't have the greatest life but to him, Kai Kai thinks he has the perfect life. Just because Kai Kai doesn't have the greatest clothes, a nice house, or money doesn't mean that he doesn't have the greatest family.
   Jay Jane runs into his and Kai Kai's room. "Kai!"
Kai Kai, at the time was putting his shirt on. "Yes Jay?" He turns to look at Jay Jane and puts on a small coat at the same time.
"Do you want to come to town with me and Mother?" Jay Jane says as he runs up to their bedroom window and opens the curtains.
"Sorry Jay, I gotta go help father in the garden."
Jay Jane jumps off the bed and crosses his arms.
"You just don't wanna spend time with me."
Kai Kai looks at Jay Jane.
"Maybe that is the reason. Maybe it isn't." He smiles and messes up Jay Jane's hair as he walks out of the bedroom. Jay Jane fixes his hair quickly and runs after Kai Kai.
"Why are you always to busy for me?!"
Kai Kai stops walking and turns towards Jay Jane.
"I'm never to busy for you Jay." He picks Jay Jane up and walks outside the tiny home.
Jay Jane wraps his arms around Kai Kai's neck and lays his head on Kai Kai's shoulder.
"I know Kai. I just wanted a reason to talk to you."
  Kai Kai smiles at his brothers comment and hugs Jay Jane while carrying him.

Both of Kai Kai's parents and his uncle were outside. Lin Jane was waiting for Jay Jane to go to town. Quin Kai and Ren Kai were in the garden.
"Father, I am going with Mother and Jay to town. I will help you once I get back." Kai Kai Yells to his father while holding Jay Jane and walking towards his mother.
"That's fine Son. I got your uncle with me." Quin Kai says as he pats Ren Kai's back.
Lin Jane looks at Kai Kai and Jay Jane.
"Well then loves, let's go ahead now." Lin Jane says as she starts walking down a trail with a basket in her hand.
Kai Kai follows his mother while holding Jay Jane still.
"Ya' know Jay, You are getting a little to old to be carried."
"I'm not! I'm 6!"
Kai Kai laughs and continues carrying Jay Jane.

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