43: The One They Lost.

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Ethan looked at the police officers, "Who did this?" He could help but ask. The male police officer looked at Ethan, "I apologize – we cannot share it right now. The only thing we can tell you is that the shooter is under arrest," the officer replied before the female officer asked Ethan, "What is the update on the other two victims?" She asked. "Uh – Elizabeth Harrison is under surgery at the moment – I cannot update you on her conditions just yet but the doctors are trying to save her life," Ethan almost chocked answering to them before he cleared his throat, "And I am on to see the other victim – if you would like – you can come with me," Ethan suggested. The male officer nodded his head, "Yes, that would be great." He replied. Ethan nodded and walked back towards the operating rooms, wherein one of them Rene was taken to. "Dr. Pollard, keep me updated on Leo," Ethan said to Gavin who nodded his head and walked in the other direction with the other hospital staff.

As they were walking to the operating rooms, the male officer asked Ethan, "Did you know the victims?" He asked. Ethan sighed and nodded his head, "Yes, I know the two of them – Dr. Leo Wayne works here and Elizabeth Harrison works at the pharmaceutical company that is owned by the trustees of this hospital," He replied. They both nodded their heads, "And Rene Cooke?" The female officer asked. Ethan shook his head, "I don't know her," he replied. The officers didn't ask him any questions and both quietly walked with him.

As they reached near the operating room – Ethan frowned as he saw Amanda sitting down on the floor with her head down. He clothes were bloodied while she looked like a mess. Ethan walked closer to her and kneed down before glancing at the two officers. "Dr. Fletcher," he softly called her name. He didn't need to call her out again as she lifted his head to look at him. She wasn't crying but her eyes were glossy. She licked her lips and sighed before she shook her head. Ethan didn't need to hear the words. He is a doctor – he knows what had happened. He briefly closed his eyes before he stood on his feet and looked at the police officers. He sighed, "We couldn't save her," he shook his head. The police officer sighed and bowed their heads for a second before they looked at Ethan and nodded their heads, "Okay, can you please give us details about her injuries?" The male officer asked. Ethan nodded and turned to look at Amanda who was still on the floor. He looked back at the officers, "I will be with you in a minute," He said to which they nodded and walked away.

Ethan walked to Amanda and sat down beside her – she didn't look at him but had her head down. Ethan glanced at her and sighed, "Leo is doing better," he told her. Amanda looked at him and nodded, "Thank God," she sighed in relief. Ethan nodded, "Elizabeth is still in surgery – she didn't look so good," Ethan told her. Amanda mashed her lips together, "I hope they will be able to save her." She replied worriedly.

Ethan nodded his head and looked at Amanda. He kept looking at her for a few seconds before he spoke, "You tried your best, Dr. Fletcher. There was nothing you or Dr. Jenner could have done." He told her. Amanda didn't respond to him immediately but after a brief pause, she replied, "She was so young – younger than me," She told him. Ethan nodded, "I know," he replied. "Dr. Fletcher, we are doctors – we can't do anything beyond medical treatment. Her injuries were unsustainable. You can't beat yourself for that. You have to get up and fulfill your responsibility towards other patients – they need you." Ethan said before he got up on his feet.

Amanda didn't respond to him but she knows that he was right. She had other patients to attend to. She sighed looked at Ethan who stretched his hand out for her to take, "Come on – get up. You need to change, shower, and get back on duty," Ethan told her. Amanda looked at his hand for a few seconds before she finally held his hand and with Ethan's help stood on her feet. She nodded her head, "Thank you," She thanked him. He smiled softly at her before he walked away leaving Amanda to watch him walk away.

The news about the shooting was all over the news by the dawn. The police confirmed the death of Rene Cooke to the media and updated about Leo's health while they were unsure about Elizabeth, so they told them that she was under treatment and doctors were trying to save her – which they were. Now the people and the media were raising questions about the shooter but police denied giving them any information about her. It was established that the shooter was indeed a female but police refused to answer anything more about her to the press. The families of the victims were informed. While Rene's mother and Paige were in the hospital – trying to deal with the loss of a great friend and a doting daughter – people were also leaving flowers and well wishes for the injured and the dead.

Maria, Silas, Owen, and Franklin along with Ezra, Silas, and Maria's adopted-month-old son were on the plane to Chicago. Marcus and Charlie couldn't fly with them as Charlie was due in a few days and she wasn't allowed to fly and Marcus had to be with her during delivery. Maria was still unaware of the passing of Rene – she wasn't given the news yet as they were on the flight. There were intense tension and worriedness among the four of the adults – their loved ones were hurt and they were continuously praying for them. Silas did wonder what Elizabeth and Leo were doing together when the shooting occurred- since they weren't given the details of the shooting occurring at Leo's apartment – Silas didn't stress it. He just wants all the victims to be okay. He can't afford to lose a sister. He looked at Maria to see she was looking out of the window at the dark sky. He sighed and held her hand. She didn't turn to look at him – he knows that she was crying but she didn't want him to see her like that – he was already stressed about Elizabeth. Silas and Maria didn't exchange any words but they could feel their pain – they just wanted everything to be okay.

Leo slowly opened his eyes but he had to shut them close again as even the dim light in the room bothered him. His head was throbbing – he didn't notice it right after he gained his consciousness back but slowly he started to feel the pain on his forehead. The throbbing turned into an ache and he hissed. There was a weird metallic taste in his mouth. He couldn't understand what was happening – where he was. But it didn't take him long to remember what had happened. He remembers Mia's face, he remembered leaving Elizabeth in the room when he went down with Mia – he finally remembered the blow to his head and Mia hitting him with rode and that was it. He didn't know what had happened after that. His heart rate accelerated. Elizabeth – he left Elizabeth in the apartment alone.

"Leo," he heard his name being called. He looked at his side to see Gavin standing – looking at him, "Welcome back buddy." Gavin said to Leo with a soft smile on his face. Leo blinked twice – all he could think was about Elizabeth. "Leo, can you hear me?" Gavin asked as he flashed a small torchlight to Leo's eyes to which he flinched – he didn't like it but didn't care at the moment, "Elizabeth? Is she here?" He asked Gavin. Gavin smiled and nodded, "Yes, she is but you need to rest right now," Gavin told him. Leo knitted his eyebrows together – causing his skin to stretch the ache, "I want to meet her – can you please call her in?" Leo asked – completely unaware of what happened before and after he was knocked out. Gavin could see that Leo's blood pressure was shooting up and it wasn't good for him. Gavin nodded, "Alright, I will." He replied. Leo didn't see the nurse behind Gavin who filled the syringe with Propofol to make him fall asleep – any kind of stress can be damaging to him.

Leo saw Gavin injecting the tube with it. He looked at his friend and frowned, "Why – would you try to make me sleep?" He asked his friend who looked at him, "You saw that." he chuckled. Leo's eyes started to drop, "I am a doctor," he mumbled. "Where – Eliza?" he couldn't even form a complete sentence as he fell into sleep. Gavin sighed as he saw Leo closing his eyes before he fell asleep. "I am sorry, buddy, I had to." He mumbled. "I cannot stress you with Miss Harrison's condition right now," he added before he asked the nurse to keep checking Leo's vital and report to him while he walked out of the ICU to be welcomed by Maria and Franklin, "How is he?" Franklin asked. Gavin smiled, "He is doing better but I had to put him to sleep for a couple of hours as he was stressing about Miss Harrison and I didn't want the news to affect him," Gavin said. "He didn't know that she was also admitted – he thought that she was out here. I didn't want to tell him and anyway, he needs to rest as well," he added.

Maria nodded and sat on the bench while her father and Dr. Pollard walked while they talked about Leo's condition. She gulped and bowed her head. She was so confused. Why was Elizabeth at her brother's apartment? Elizabeth was still in a critical situation and Leo was asked about her when he woke up – Maria isn't stupid – she gets it. Something was going on between Leo and Elizabeth. She didn't have a problem with it but she was confused – her brother hates Harrisons and Elizabeth wasn't so fond of her brother's behavior either – then what changed? And why would a woman try to hurt them both? Maria knows that she isn't the only one – everyone was confused like her.  

Elizabeth Harrison's Hope For A Better TomorrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora